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outfits/mods not showing up at all in game.


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I have tried to add some mods to Skyrim and I put them in the data folder, as is required. then go to my launcher and chech the data files then start game. The mods are not there! or in the case of some of my armor mods they are invisable (not what I wanted). I have some mods working but not others. I also have read the mod creators desc to make sure I am putting things where they should go. I am just not sure what is going on.

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Mod resources are compressed into archive format (e.g. *.rar, *.zip, *.7z), so you'll need to extract their contents into the game data folder. But really, new users should not be installing mods manually. They should be installed using a mod manager. I use the Mod Organizer, but the most popular one is the Nexus Mod Manager. Use one of those to install your mod archives instead (then you don't need to worry about extracting things into the right folder).

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