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Wyre Bash, can I remove .esps from my data folder after bash patch

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That's the idea behind Bash merging, basically. But for the "active plugins" limit 255 you do not need to do anything, as Wrye Bash will deactivate them for you once merged.

However, the "files in data folder" limit (number unknown right now), the only limit you actually have to "delete" files for, is something different, and while you also can delete these ESPs once merged, you will not be able to "recompile" your bashed patch ever again while they're missing, or their contents as well will be missing next recompile. As recompiling your bashed patch has to be done, no matter what, every time anything inside your load order changes (mods added, removed, load order altered, etc.) it would be a bad idea to physically remove files the patch needs to re-merge again every time.


As for conflicts, yes, those do persist inside a bashed patch as well, of course. But inside there they already got solved by merging the last plugin last and as such the conflict gets solved by load order, just the same way it gets solved by load order when running the game.


Attention though! Don't confuse merged plugins with those only features of which get included via Bash tags. Not all plugins are mergeable, but via Bash tags all currently supported features of a plugin can be included into the bashed patch.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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