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Custom bound weapon


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Hey what's up guys!


I'm new to the whole Skyrim modding scene and I really want to get into it because I have a lot of cool ideas. Basically what I wanted to start off with though was messing with the Creation Kit and all I was really trying to do was change the model of the bound sword to the sword I usually use instead of it being the normal blue glowy sword that it always is. If you guys could help me out it would be greatly appreciated. Also I don't know if this is the right part of the forum to be posting this in and if not then I apologize for that as well haha. Thanks again!

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welcome, about what you ask, I think I can help.

-first, in the Items\Weapons, choose the sword that you want to use and change the ID to duplicate the sword, the new sword would be used for the spell

-do however you wish with the statistics of the newly created sword, but remember to check "Can't drop" and "Bound Weapon" flag

-duplicate the sword, make it stronger, this 2nd sword would be used instead if player choose the perk Mystic Binding

-in the Magic\Magic Effect, you will find an effect called BoundSwordFFSelf, change the Assoc. Item 1 from BoundWeaponSword to the ID of your 1st created sword

-find BoundSwordMysticFFSelf, change BoundWeaponSwordMystic to your 2nd sword.

save your mod and test it in-game, if you want, you can also duplicate the magic effect and create new bound sword spell along with the original spell

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Oh ok awesome, that makes sense. But the weapon I really want is a mod that I downloaded of some LOTR sword and i can't find it in the weapons list. Are modded weapons in another category? I can't seem to find it anywhere

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You'll need to load that mod into the CK. When you're starting it up and selecting which ESM and ESP files to load (File -> Data), check that other mod, but DO NOT set it as the active file!


Setting as active file means your edits will alter THAT mod. If you do not choose an active file, when you save, it will be a separate ESP.


If you can't find the sword in the mod, open up the File -> Data window again and click on the mod with the added sword (not on the checkbox) and click on 'Details...'. This opens a window showing you all of the entries in that mod. You can use the editorIDs listed there to quickly filter the CK's displayed objects to show only the mod objects (filter is found in the upper left of the Objects window). Once you filter, then just sort the objects by their name (not editorid) and you should be able to quickly and easily find your sword.


When you save your ESP, remember that it needs to be after the weapon mod in the load order to work.


Happy modding! =)

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Oh ok perfect, I found it and I'm trying to tweak it a bit now haha. I got it to summon my sword on the bound sword spell cast but I can't get it to be free to cast and it doesn't do as much damage as I set it to but I'm sure after a bit of tweaking it around a bit I can figure it out. Thanks a lot guys I really appreciate it!

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