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random "big strong man" dialogue fix?


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hi. I'm getting a random dialogue pop up from time to time that goes something like:

female npc 1: "oh hi, i'm glad i ran into you.."

female npc 2: "i dont know, if you see any big strong men around let us know!"

they laugh

female npc 2: "oh come now, dont go away mad"

it only recently started popping up, but i cant for the life of me figure out what triggered it.

from what i've seen in researching the matter, there's a missing male actor part that would complete the dialogue and make it less odd.. but i keep getting it in random situations and it's becoming rather annoying to have my followers and/or random npcs erupt in the same repeated nonsense.

is there any way to get rid of this interaction? console command, mod, npc mass murder, anything?

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Well, it should be

Lady #1: "Hello."
Lady #2: "Oh, hi, I'm glad I ran into you. I was wondering if..."
(Man interrupts)

Man: "Hello, ladies! Is there anything a big strong man can do for you this fine day?"
Lady #1: "I don't know. If you see any big strong men around, let us know, will you?"
Both ladies: *Laughs*
Man: "Harpies, every one of them." (walks away from them)
Lady #1: "Oh, come now. Don't go away mad."

From what i've seen in researching the matter, there's a missing male actor part that would make it less odd.
No idea how to stop it but atleast it can make some sense now.


Edited by whateveroo
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The one time I witnessed this dialogue the two ladies in question were Mjoll and Helga of all people, while the male part was filled by Riften's grieving father. It felt so utterly out of character for all of them.


Edit: You could probably get rid of it via the story-manager in the ck. Simply set the conditions for the scene to play in a manner that it never plays .... unless something in there suggests it might be relevant for some quest.

Edited by Anska
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@whateveroo yeah I've seen the missing lines before, but it doesnt make it any less annoying when i have the female npcs randomly start the dialogue. and yeah i actually started that thread you linked to on the gamespot forums lol. if you'll note they original posts are copied and pasted. I was/am rather desperate for help on this one xP


@anska that would be an interesting course of action, but unfortunately i have no clue how to use the CK myself :/


@nightinglae850 a lot of people seem to agree that the overall dialogue is part of vanilla and not added by a mod. it seems a few people have had this issue but i couldnt find any way to get rid of it. although i dont know if you meant that interesting npcs makes it so they need the male actor to start the dialogue sequence?

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Its not from a mod, interesting npcs adds the male that says those lines so nothing is skipped anymore


The only time ive ever hear those lines is in the bannered mare in Whiterun, and there is a male that says it


well i may as well give it a try. if it would at least restrict the interaction to where there is a male actor around i may be able to live with it lol. thanks for the info.

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