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British S.A.S mp5


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Hi i was wandering if any one could make a mp5a3 standard or the mpsd the silent one also the sas armor every time i try i rooster it up the ammo they use is 9mm rounds soz for the pics there all i had :wallbash:
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whats the difference between the special hair service version and the others?


By that do you mean the army or the weapons?


the sas is the british of spec ops also know as delta force


but the weapons are smg's

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I think means if there is any difference in the MP5 that SAS use compared to otherv varients. As for the request, I could see this happening considering the MP5 and the FO3 assault rifle have similar reload actions.



i dont think there is any difference they are both made by h/k they use the same reload as assault rifle but they are smg's not main rifle, and i think the ammo is the same standard 9mm i will keep trying to make this cos its a very cool weapon i just dont have much modding skill lol



but further looking the mp5a3 might have different stats to the standard one

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"the sas is the british of spec ops also know as delta force"

............................................................... :sick:

Well..... NO:


SAS - Special Air Service



1st SFOD-D - 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta Aka Delta Force


And Delta and SAS is now only SF and Connter-Terorist unit.

The only thing that put them in same basket is that SAS train Delta Force


"but the weapons are smg's"

............................................................... :thumbsup:

Yes the weapon CLASS is SMG.

And the Mp5 on the picture is a A5 not A3.





see the difference :cool:

And the armor is that the Black Kit you mean?

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i wouldnt say the SAS trains Delta but they rather train together like do most counter terror/ spec op/ commando units of the nato...

ksk pwns em both at once nevertheless :P (lol i love that "my spec ops are best" bickering)



the british sas are just one of the special forces im trying to make but the armor is light tactical black....


i found a couple of armors and a gas mask plus the flashbang mod and i just noticed the mp5 wip im gonna look at this to create a full mod just gota ask for there permision lol..

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