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Female Annimation Issue


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Hey guys, i hope someone can help with this.


The issue I've got is that I made a follower in a mod that is marriagable but i accidently ticked "use opposite animations" when i first made it ages ago. I just went in to change it but the changes wont take effect at all, if i change the npc to a male with "use opposite animations" NOT ticked the male character still uses female animations but the female wont.


So basically the npc is stuck no matter the gender, they use the opposite animations. I have found that going to a save before i met the npc fixes it but that's way too far back and i cant do a clean install as she is my spouse so that part would be completely screwed up when i reload the mod.


So my question is, does anyone know of a way to fix it in-game without going all he way back.


Thanks in advance

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