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NPC audio suddenly absent.


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Recently installed skyrim on my new PC and went and downloaded about 20 mods / skse / dawnguard and the new high rez texture packs from bethesda.

I started small with the mods and then realized i couldn't resist (ever) and downloaded about 16 in only about 1 hour of gameplay. i finally started playing again and finished the golden claw quest and headed for whiterun. I sniped the giant in the field that the companions were fighting and went up to talk to them. to my surprise, even though i got the damn killing blow, they remarked how i didn't help.. but even more to my surprise, i couldn't hear them. any of them. all other audio is fine.


i went through and disabled groups of addons 5 at a time and npc audio didn't come back. i disabled ALL mods except for skyrim and dawnguard esm files, loaded up without skse. started a new game. no audio. ideas? yes, there was audio when before i entered bleak falls barrow.

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I had this same problem, and there seem to be a couple of reasons for this NPC voices muting.
The most common problem is that there is a line missing in your skyrim.ini file. This problem is very common and you can google for it.

I had a very different problem. NPC voices were gone and also some sound fx were missing (like horse hooves sounds). When I started a new game, in the intro, there was all kind of weird stuff going on.

Horse riders would just float in mid-air, some sounds were gone, there was no moving animation for horses or people etc. But also all NPC voices were totally gone.


After hours and hours of tweaking, I found out that there was something wrong bethesda's HD package. I replaced all the exe files with update 11 and that seem to do the trick.


Hope this will help you out, otherwise someone else might chime in. Good luck! :)

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k, just deleted the ini although starting a new game wasn't creating a new file.. had to find one to download.. but that fixed it. all addons back on. the main reason i messed with the ini was because of how the high rez texture packs messed with other texture mods, but did i hear that they fixed that so i don't need to add the rez packs to the archive anymore?

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