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Need some help with top level dialog topics


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I'm adding some dialog to some of the wasteland doctors for a new companion I'm working on. In hard core she has to visit a doctor to be he healed, like the player. I've added a top level topic to Ada Strauss, Dr. Usanagi and Dr. Kemp where the player can ask these doctors to "heal his friend".


I'm using the same dialog topic for all three doctors and the conditions are all the same except the GetsId line. All is good with Ada Strauss and Dr. Usanagi, my "Can you help my friend" is in the list when I first talk to them. With Dr. Kemp however I don't see my new topic untill after I ask him to heal me or see his items for sale. If I exit dialog with Dr. Kemp then talk to him again it's the same thing all over again. If this is the way it has to be that's fine, I just can't help but think I'm missing something simple.


I've added my new top level topic to the vDoctors quest topics. I first tried a new dialog quest for my custom companion but even though I made it a top level topic I could never get my topic to appear in the dialog window.


Dr. Kemp does not have any lines in the vDoctors quest in the unmodified game. But neither does Dr. Usanagi and all is well with her.


Thanks to anyone that can give me some advice on this.

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Wow, thanks! I thought I was missing something simple, didn't think it would be that simple though.


Removing the choices from Dr. Kemp's greetings did the trick. All the choices were top level anyway.

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