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Hello wastelanders! Yall may have seen my "Humanoid Deathclaw" requests but i got a brand new one now this one Minecrafters may now as the block stealer. A.k.a the....


Enderman. Alright people. We need something like this to happen. So this is how it would start. As the player roams the wastes somewhere around hmm....novac or nipton the player would find a skeleton twice as large as a person Once the player presses E a message would pop up saying "You reach to touch the skeleton but you trip and your arm lands the in teeth of the strange skeleton" and after 3 hours ingame time a message would popup saying "You begin to feel strange as your skin darkens and you begin to feel taller" thus stage 2 of the Evolution.


Alright Stage 3 would be a day after stage 2 and a message saying "You realize your taller than anyone besides a deathclaw and you seem to feel stronger" basicly your height would be a 2 instaid of a 1 most enemies will flee when they see you (Raiders, powder gangers, some of cesars legion, basicly a ton of humans mutants however will still attack. your melee strength is able to kill most humanoids in one to two hits (like in minecraft) your char model will be changed to look like one of the 2 pictures below. there will be 3 armors 2 are armour one is clothing.



Knight armour, Heavy (no image to show because I don't have a good idea on what it would look like)


Armor parts, Light (basicly take the armored vault 21 suit but take out the vault suit then you got the idea)


Hoodie, Clothing (a hoodie fit for a enderman Dark blue up top and for the pants it is brown jeans)






Melee/claw 40-50 damage each hit


Scream/roar 0 damage but makes foes run and hide


Regular guns No need to explain here


slam/ground pound 70 damage Shockwave type attack


Telekinisis Depends on item that is thrown Ex: baseball-5 machete- Head-100 anywhere else-40


charge Automaticly makes the player sprint and knock down a npc





Eat eat a corspe making them loose a limb every bite


enderpearl Teleports player to where the mouse is Limited usage 1 useage every day (ingame)


Enderstorage Take a corspe of any npc and puts it in a pipboy acsessable enderchest for eating later






Enderfright - When a foe looks you in the face the foe will run back for 5 seconds


Enderkiin turns your damage up when using weapons besides your natural abilities


The ender's gift - gotten when you begin the transformation/evolution


Endersupreme - boosts health up to 200 - 300 if lucky


EnderRage - when in combat when in combat each hit you take gives less damage




Alright wastelands make this happen!



Edit: There will be to need both a female and a male model for this and a mating system. (family system) basicly your gender depends on what is in the wastes there would be female enderpeople and male ones as well if your a male and talk to a male you get a compainion option works same with female as well. You also get a Female/male mating system basicly a black screen and after 9 ingame hours if your a female you get a Message if you used the item that is a Pregnacy tester. you would get a message aftr mating that would say "Possitive" for if your gonna have a child Or "negative" for not having a child would have to be random.



(picture a Enderman with woman features but without the tidbits and the taco.)

Edited by alexian5332
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