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custom weapon script troubles


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So I'm trying to do three things.

First, I'm trying to add a knockdown feature to a weapon set I've made. I want the enemy actor to be thrown to the ground when hit. I've looked around and found a couple threads on these forums where people shared scripts and said they worked, but nothing happens in game. Edit: Just fixed this problem.

Second, I want to add a custom sound to this weapon when you hit something. They're balloon-like weapons, so I want to hear a rubber squeaky toy sound when you hit something. Edit: Fixed this too.

Third, I want to add a burst of confetti when an actor is hit, but I have no idea how to handle particles.

I already know how to add sounds to the CS and made my weapon make a unique sound when equipped. Beyond that, I'm lost.

Also, the admins still haven't fixed the formatting garbage problem.

Edited by Dlesang
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