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Optimization Problems


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So this problem I am having is actually in Fallout NV and not Skyrim but the problem seems to be with the way the gamebryo engine handles optimization and not something specifically wrong with Fallout NV as I have been able to replicate this Issue in Fallout 3 and most likely is still an issue in the creation engine. All though its much more likely i'm simply doing something wrong. Anyways I decided to post this here to reach a broader audience and to try to solve this issue so I can push this mod out. Sorry before hand to any mods if this somehow violates forum etiquette. Any ways here is what I posted in the Mod talk section of the fallout new vegas sub-forum.


So I did my first optimization the other day on a player home I made. I followed the bethesda tutorial for fallout 3, room bounds and portals and all that pishposh. Everything works except i'm encountering one strange glitch. Any Item I drop in game that I textured and has havok seems to rest in the place dropped for 2-3 seconds then turns invisible. If I move it with the z key it comes back but only until I put it down at which point it turns invisible again. This never happened before optimization. It also doesn't happen in bethesda made cells. like I said only items with havok that I have textured. Statics seem to be fine. Also if I leave the item in place and leave the room looking through the portal they reappear the second I leave the room only to disappear upon re-entry.


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