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Magic revamp: no mana cost


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Rather than simply removing mana costs, the idea would be to make magic something that you are free to use and fight / support with, without being fettered by a mana bar; the kind of thing that Fable 2 aimed for. Warrior, Ranger, or Mage, you'd always be able to use your weapons and not have to pop potions or switch weapons while mana recovers.


Magic might initially be too strong though if you could endlessly cast flames at the start, so I'd think that spell effects would have to be toned downed across the board, although through perks, schools of magic could be made stronger so that magic has more oomph coming from a mage, instead of just anyone that uses it. Would also need to have higher level spells off-limits until a certain level, like Oblivion, so that they couldn't be spammed by low levels.



Was just an unusual idea that came to me after thinking about Fable 2.

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