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tomb raider 2013 Hunger Game 2012 connection?


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Okay I did a search first and found no post like this so here it goes.
Does anyone else feel that Tomb Raider 2013 game had a lot of inspiration drawn from Hunger Games the 2012 movie?
Or am I alone in drawing this connection?

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Hunger Games itself borrows heavily from earlier sci-fi. It wasn't a bad film, and being a derivate of its own genre is to be expected, but it is true that there is hardly an original idea to be found anywhere in that film. If something seems to reference an element of Hunger Games it is likely that both Tomb Raider and Hunger Games are referencing the same previous work.

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Take a look at Batoru Rowaiaru or Battle Royale - a japanese movie from 2000 based on a book written in 1999. Then look at Hunger Games a movie in 2012 from a book written in 2008. As TRoaches suggests, there is hardly an original idea to be found anywhere and there is a lot of "borrowing" done.


I'm not sure what similarities, other than Lara using a bow, exist between TR 2013 and Hunger Games as the stories don't seem to have much in common - at least not that I've noticed.

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I was not referring to base story structure.

I was referring to a lot of visual ques, Such as young Lara Croft and Katniss both looking very similar, both using bows, both having somewhat the same hair style, both being around the same age, both in life or death situations that force them to make there first human kill.


It all seems very much the same.

I was not referring to the fight to the death sort of story, I was saying that it seems like they share a lot of visual similaritys.


I guess I am the only one who made this connection in there heads right after playing the new Tomb Raider.

Well what ever just pinging the forums to see if anyone else had the same thought, thanks for the replies and my sill post ^^

Edited by lostami
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