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Far Cry

adding new files to unpacked files


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is it possible to add new files into repacked files?

or does the game/gibbed tools have a standard list of files that can be patched/repacked.

i am thinking that technically you should be able to add new files provided you add them to the repack xml file list and give them a new code number(some form of identifying number in the file you just added).
however every time i try this (adding new files) the game seems to crash.

the thing is i have seen a mod that has added files and i was wondering how the mod creator managed to do that.
the mod i am refuring to is Sleepingwsirens Modpack ReDux

i have tried unpacking that mod and examining what is different, however it seems that most of the normal items have been modded making it hard to pin point how the modder actually accomplished to add files.

Edited by mlmbug
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