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Deadly Robots - A variant of Deadly Monsters


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I absolutely love Deadly Dragons and its add-on Deadly Monsters, but I've noticed one thing Deadly Monsters is missing: it doesn't affect Dwemer Automatons. This is kind of a bummer, because I just finished the Aetherial Forge quest and the robots were too easy.


I've sent a message to 3jiou (the guy behind Deadly Dragons) concerning this, but AFAIK he's on a break from modding. As such, someone might have to fill in the gap for him. If you know how Deadly Monsters works, do you think you could create a spin-off of it that only affects the Dwemer robots? I think having Dwemer Centurion Masters who can one-shot even the toughest adventurers while being able to take huge beatings would present a great challenge.

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