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Find Navmesh conflict in xEdit


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The "show conflict" filter in xEdit does not find/highlight conflicting navmesh records. In fact, it appears as if xEdit completely ignores anything navmesh when looking for conflicts.

So I wondered if somebody has a script that will check if any mod in the load order has navmesh records for a given cell ID?


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You can manually apply a filter to show only navmesh conflicts:
1) Right Click -> Apply Filter
2) Check the box for "By Conflict status overall", and then the options for all but Single Record.
3) Check the box for "By Record Signature", and then scroll down and check the NAVM option.
4) Make sure no other conflicting options are enabled

You can even save that as a preset filter by clicking Add, giving it a name, and saving.

  Reveal hidden contents


Just keep in mind that this might not show overlapping navmesh conflicts. If someone changes navmesh A to cover a larger area, and someone else edits navmesh B to cover the same area, you would only see that those individual navmeshes were overrides of the original, and might not realize they would interfere with each other. Navmesh conflicts should really be troubleshot in the CK.

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After installing Jenncave's Clean and Simple Bunker Hill, NPCs (Provisioners, Travelling NPCs, etc) are no longer entering Bunker Hill. Instead, they stand at the front gate and don't know wtf to do. Jenncave's mod has no navmesh errors, it is properly finalized and there are no other apparent problems. So I figured it was a navmesh conflict with one of the 300something mods I've got, but I have no idea which mod that might be.


Alas, the filter as described doesn't show anything conflicting.

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