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SkyRe and old saves


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I've recently picked up Skyrim again and after playing with Skyrim Redone for a while I really can't imagine going back to vanilla perks. However, I already have a character that I really want to continue playing (level 40) that was created and played without SkyRe installed. I read in the SkyRe description that playing old chars with the mod was not advisable, but possible through console command fixes. In regard to this my first question is - would such fixes flag my game on Steam as cheats would (no more achievements)?


Regardless, I don't seem to be having any truly major problems playing so far, though I have noticed that the extra damage on drawback perk for longbows doesn't seem to be working ("your bow is fully drawn" never appears, I haven't done any serious testing regarding the actual damage). When I first loaded up the save, the perks were all over the place but the skill points were fine. So I drank the respec potion (which worked) and allocated the points properly, but now I'm not sure if the combat perks actually work. So basically I'm looking for a way to "fix" this save so that SkyRe works completely.

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