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Unable to install any mod


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I've tried to install couple different mods (one at a time) and I have failed. I've tried using the mod manager and installing them manually. I've checked if the version matches the one mod requires. Please guys help me out. I've tried these mods:






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How have you failed? Do they simply not appear in-game?


Most mods come with one or more plugins that must be activated, are you activating their plugins and if so, how? Do the plugins deactivate themselves after you launch the game? If they do deactivvate themselves, in the default Skyrim Launcher is the Data Files section greyed out?


Most mods include a readme with detailed installation instructions. A lot of mods are dependent on other mods and this will be noted in the readme as well.

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The mods simply dont work, the content that was suppose to be added isnt there.

I have activated all the plugins in the NMM, I also launch Skyrim through the manager. The Data Files section is grayed out. The plugins don't deactivate themselves after I launch the game but they do after I close the manager. None of the above mods had readme guide.

Edited by blackbart94
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Add the following line to the [Launcher] section of SkyrimPrefs.ini (located at \My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\):


If there is no [Launcher] section in your SkyrimPrefs.ini, add one.

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You little bastard :D Thank you so much, everything works perfectly. I don't know what I would've done without you. I would probably die with my boots on. Cheers

Maybe you can keep this topic for another moron like me that has the same problem.

Thanks again

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