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I usually have 30 - 50 fps while using more than 300(merged) mods. Most of my settings are high, but I also use alot performance tweakers like streamline(which I tweaked) along with a tweaked ini file. The weird thing is that at night, the fps rate drops to 4(!) which is unplayable. I however noticed that the cause for this is probably the mix of hdr, actors use torches and, you guessed it already torches^^. I will disable those so I have my beloved 30 fps again.
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Hdr, actors use torches, and torches shouldn't bring your fps to 4. I usually don't get even 35 fps during the day but I get around the same at night using torches and hdr.


the problem is the light emitted by the torches, not the mods or settings themselves. Deactivating those improved my performance at night, but tbh, when checking which mods could cause that I thought that it must be one of the other 300 I have running now and the 1st supect I had was XUL...

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