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To Join or Not to Join, that is the Question


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I always thought, the Thalmor are rather blunt on the topic in Ulfric's Dossier. They are are happy about the war, want to keep it in a stalemate for as long as possible and don't want Ulfric to win. - Probably because they would loose access to Skyrim this way.

Again, it's stated in canon-lore that they, the Thalmor, don't care either way, their prime goal is to weaken the Empire which makes them happy. Their job is done despite who wins or loses. Just because Ulfric could win, doesn't mean that they could take Skyrim for their own. Think of it this way, with that Civil War, Imperials won't go through and help Skyrim even IF there was a negotiation to, due to the fact another Great War would erupt. I suggest looking at the Wiki more in regards to the Thalmor. They have really good source material when looking for clues about the Thalmor, the Dominion, and where their mindset are at.


What I'm talking about Daventry is pretty much stating why I'd join neither side, not just because of glitches of the death of the Emperor and what not, but because of the principle of the matter along with the lore behind my reasoning. For me it's not the glitches that answer the question because the timeline in Skyrim itself game engine wise can be a little buggy (understatment xD ), but it's what's actually happening concerning the events around the issue. Then again, I see this more as a political move than a true Civil War. It may not be relevant to the original post, but it was relevant to the question of the thread. xD

Edited by pheo3309
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