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I didn't see any particularly deadly errors in the FO3edit log.


First thing I do when this happens to me is I question the last mods that were installed.


Do you recollect when this started happening? What guns are coming up with the error? Any particular mod that contains those guns, or all of them, including vanilla?


If you figure out what mod is causing the problem, you might try reinstalling it manually, which is discussed in this thread : http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/962599-fook-gun-texture/


If all the mods are installed correctly, (you're reasonably sure of that anyway) the second thing I'll do is determine if I simply have too many esps loading up ingame, as this will cause mesh errors and pop up with not only the red boxed exclamation mark, but also white/purple textures, and random camo craziness like you can imagine where textures continuously change.


Solution: Combine compatible esps together to lessen the load.


Also, if you changed the ini, the option to load Cell in the background, or in other words on a second cpu's thread, this causes mesh and texture errors when the esp cap is nearing especially.

Edited by SoulReaver911
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Are you using FOMM or something similar?


It should be easy to uninstall iron sights temporarily and see if the meshes look right in game. That is the only one in your recently installed list that changes weapons' meshes.


We need to try and narrow down which mod/s are causing the errors before changing load order.


Or course it could be as simple as a load order config, but it says in the description for iron sights that the mod author highly suggests the user being comfortable with FO3edit to resolve conflicts that he must suspect inevitably arise when using this mod.


So if it turns out to be iron sights conflicting with other mods you can look at it in FO3edit to determine the best load order and also manually resolve conflicts with a patch if necessary.


I checked on the page for Robco certified and it has a patchs for many other mods and dlcs you may be using including fwe, eve, and zeta just in case you missed it.


I use all the advanced recon mods except the binoculars one, and I'm loving it - no problems.


Impervious power armor will modify all power armors so you're going to want to put it after everything that does the same thing like FWE for instance. You can see what other mods it conflicts with in FO3edit to determine if it conflicts with the power helmets any, which advanced recon uses. A merged patch probably caught this, but if not, you can add it manually so that even if impervious armors loads after advanced recon, advanced recon still wins the conflict with helmets (to allow for that kick ass thermal/night vision.)

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