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[LE] Event for when a dead body disappears

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Is there an event or some way of firing some code when a dead body disappears by turning into ash or gets cleaned up by the game?

The body is accessible via a ReferenceAlias.


To be precise, the event should fire the the body is no longer draggable. (The quest is to drag the body somewhere, but if the player is very late and the body disappears, the quest gets failed by this code. I just don't know how to trigger it).



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Hmm, haven't done this before, not sure how to that. I guess by attaching a "timer" you mean registering a script that's attached to the body for update, or is there some other way? Also, - can you tell me what's the default time in-game for the corpses to disappear/change to ash? (I guess my timer should be just a bit less than that then).

Also is there a function to turn the body into ash, or by "delete it" do you mean to just simply disable it?

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As dylbill said.

But, it depends on your scene, is the actor "Start Dead"?, is the actor killed by the player?, is the actor been killed by some other means outside the player's range and/or cell?, or something entirely different is going on.

You need to be a little more precise/detailed so that the correct or most appropriate solution can be provided, you have given too little info...

"can you tell me what's the default time in-game for the corpses to disappear/change to ash?"

It depends, if the actor is in a "Respawn Cell" like a dungeon, or in the wilderness, or if theactor is even set to "Respawn".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oooops I quite forgot about this thread, sorry for that. (Issue is still here, that's always a good reminder though.)


The actor is killed by the player. (In theory it's also done in plain sight of the guards, so the odds of getting arrested and sent to prison are considerable, and serving time will definitely make the body turn into an ash pile, so it's probably not a very rare scenario).

The body needs to be dragged to a given place, that's what progresses the quest, but if the body gets turned to ash, it should probably make the quest fail since it's no longer draggable.


However after a bit of thinking on it, I think the quest should fail alltogether if the body is just left there for any lengthy time. So I've added an update register to the OnDeath set to 24 hours, so that the quest fails automatically if the quest is not progressed to the next stage within the next 24 hours after the kill is made. It makes more sense story wise, and I think it also resolves the ashpile issue. (Bodies don't turn to ash sooner than 24 hours, so they?)


Thanks for the help :smile:

Edited by WhiteWolf424242
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