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Sporadic "flashback" on entering cell


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I have recently started having a sporadic phenomenon in my save:

When I go through a door and change the cell (e.g. leaving Bannered Mere to Whiterun), my PC appears correctly on the other side of the door and I can walk. But about 1..2 seconds after I start to walk, the game "jumps" back to the same cell start and I have to start walking again. After that everything works without problems.

Is hard to describe, the best analogy is maybe the cat "Deja Vú" in Matrix movie. :wink:

It doesn't happen all the time, and I think I noticed that it only happens when NPCs enter through the same door at about the same time as me.

Unfortunately I can't find this error using Google, only any teleport errors when changing cells. But I am not really teleported. The game just jumps once sporadically shortly after entering the new cell back to exactly this entry point.

Does anyone know this effect?

Mod problem?

Here is my modlist: https://pastebin.com/7K9KihG0

Save is clean (ReSaver), mods incl. Bethesda-esms are cleaned (Can this cause the problem?).

Thanks for ideas!



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