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Should I use Blender or 3DS Max?


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Hi guys, I'm looking to get back into doing mesh modding. I've successfully been able to work with armor/clothing meshes in the past for the Fallout games, and I'd like to start doing the same for Skyrim.


My question is: As of now (April 2013), should I do mesh work in Blender 2.49 (like I did with Fallout), or migrate to 3DS Max?


The reason I'm asking is because most of the guides/tutorials I've found that reference Blender seem to be from 2011/early 2012, and still requires using old versions of Blender/python -- whereas newer guides mostly seem to reference using 3DS Max.


I'd like to avoid the headache of hunting down Blender tutorials, especially when these tutorials are so old and I have no idea if they're still even relevant. Would it make more sense to just go with 3DS Max now?


If I should go with using Blender again, can someone give an updated install procedure for Blender/Python/Pyffi etc? I've had some issues getting them working on Windows 8 so far -- and I'm wondering if going with 3DS Max would just make the whole process smoother.



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If you can get Max, I strongly suggest using Max over any program. I myself don't use it, but thats because I haven't bothered to learn it. But since you know Blender well enough, shouldn't be too hard for you.

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