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Irritating situation


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Because of the pitiful budgets of the MW merchants I get to Mournhold early in the game to use the merchants in the Great Bazaar. It seems that by doing so I have screwed my chance of getting the Bipolar Blade.


It appears that to obtain the blade you must get the Matchmaker quest from Marena Gilnith. By talking to Sunel Hlas, the trader, I obtained the quest from him. Whilst at first sight this has no effect it has one major change.


The quest should apparently be


MG - get quest and journal entry

SH - hear about women and get journal entry

MG - tell her about SH, she'll meet him, journal entry

SH - arrange the meeting, journal entry

SH - before leaving, tell him to be optimistic, journal entry


After three days they are happy and SH gives you the blade.


By getting the quest from him, the last journal entry never appears. After three days it is as if you never talked about optimism and their tryst ends in disaster.


I can set her up with another to close the quest and give myself the blade via the console but would prefer to force the journal entry about optimism so that he gives me the blade.


If anyone knows it please set it out exactly as I should enter it.



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Journal MS_Matchmaker 120


That will add a journal entry that says "The meeting went well, and Marena Gilnith thanked me for finding her a partner."


But it will not give you the item, as it would be attached to the dialogue, not the journal entry. I'm assuming, but not sure, that you did gwet the previous journal entry saying you had set up the meeting?

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