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The Brotherhood of Steel has always despised the Talon Company's anarchist posture. The Talons have always targeted the Brotherhood as a matter of principle. And now that you have emerged from the Vault, the stakes will rise if you choose the path of righteousness. The Brotherhood has created a task force to end the Talons morally bankrupt disposition. Dubbed, the Diamond Atom Society, they are among the highest echelon of the Brotherhood's field-ops. Entry to the Diamond Atom Society requires a lot of experience in the Wasteland. As a result, very few members of the Brotherhood came through the Society's own ranks. And their recruitment rate is steadily declining. But that's before you decide to step in.



* New Questline: 10 all-new Talon-clipping missions.


* New Faction: The Diamond Atom Society.


* Support for well-known Overhaul Mods: FWE, MMM, WMK, EVE (possible, though I don't use it, yet.), and more to come.


* New Unlockable Perks (FWE Required):

- Diamond Sense - Your mind is clear as a diamond, your perception is increased in bullet time, enabling you to detect attacks before they are made. (FWE Extra)

- Dodgeball-istics - Elite training from the Diamond Atom Society has increased your effectiveness of bullet time. Your sprint action becomes dodge in bullet time. (FWE Extra)

- Art of the Bullet - Your mastery of Bullet Time has reached it's peak, using VATS in bullet time guarantees near perfect accuracy, assuming your target is unobstructed. (FWE Extra)


* And more to come (Suggestions encouraged)




FWE (optional for the perks)


MMM (needed for NPC variation)


WMK (They will have modded arms)


EVE (might be necessary for realism)


If you would like to help me with this project, or if you have any suggestions, please reply.

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I like the idea quite a lot!


What's the purpose of having a new faction? Why aren't they BoS?


Could we get a brief rundown of the 10 missions?

I think a mix of covert and frontal assault missions would be cool. Maybe hunting a spy across the wasteland, infiltrating a Talon facility, assassinating high ranking members and such.


Great idea, interested to hear more.

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If this mod (or a semblance thereof) is ever done, something I would really like to see covered is Talon Company's ARTILLERY.


In the vanilla game, there are places in the DC Wastes (the Capitol Building and Takoma Park) where you find remotes that call in barrages from Talon C's artillery. But we never ever get to see where this stuff actually comes from. I kind of imagine this as a remnant of DC's ABM system (like the big guns in Anchorage?), tucked away in a forgotten corner of the Wastes, that the Talons have taken over.

Edited by 7thsealord
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  • 1 month later...

cool idea. But it conflicts with plans of my own mod! ><


I don't like the idea you make FWE requried. You should change the esm form fwe to the bullet time mod for your perks.


If all your doing is adding NPC variation to the game i don't suggest making people take in a huge overhaul like MMM. Unless you specfically are designing your quests to function with MMM for a particular reason. I mean thats alot of memory and data your making people debug and install in their system.


As for eve, im certain its beautfil and a great mod. But i havn't got it working in a single game and have no clue how anyone uses it. It crashes my game no matter what i do and im currently playing fallout 3 with 150+ mods. I just havn't figured out eve. So that means the person who made eve, didn't make it 100% compatible and flexible, didn't take in consideration what hes doing and just simply made a really cool mod. THen left the compability issues for the community. ( these kind of developers really bother me, unless they don't really understand these issues then thats fine).


The purpose is, when people install your mod your making them bring in MMM and FWE. THis is like 3 gigs of memory right there off the back.


Not only that but what if you get someone who wants vanilla settings instead of FWE and MMM. Your gonna make someone download 3 -5 gigs of useless memory on their computer and uninstall everything simply because you didn't feel like singling out and figuring the minor changes? Also you should make it flexible meaning they should be able to adjust accordingly. Its like why incorporate all these features if your not gonna use them?


Why build a van big enough to fit a sofa if all you need is a seat?


Think about these things when developing and think of the user. Chances are people won't read your readmes. They are going to recreate the most obvious errors over and over again. THen they will harrass you and send you emails and beg you to keep updating your game. So take the time now, to properly test and debug and safeguard this harrassment. That way you don't get tons of messages and people begging you to fix errors, you already prepared and singled out all possible errors. By making people bring in FWE for a perk. You risk them not being compatible with every and any other single mod on this nexus that conflicts with FWE.


Then that will leave you wit hthe job of creating capatibility patches for all thes emods that FWE didn't even create. So do you really wanna go that route?


I mean, you could always be one of those dick developers though and make it so your application/mod isn't compabiltle with lots of things so they are forced to use your mod and your mod only. But that sounds like apple. (letting out a rant, they use to make developers buy apple pc's to develop for them).

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I agree with PMMurphy here, including a massive mod compilation like FWE (well yes, that and the 'glue' the FWE team put in place to make it all work together) just for the perks involving the bullet-time system, seems a bit of a waste of time/effort for anyone who doesn't have FWE already. A more sensible approach would be to, as PMMurphy said, use the standalone mod that was included in FWE (DK_Bullettime, I think? I use it anyway, slick mod).


MMM would probably not be needed for NPC variation (even though I love the increased spawns and new monsters etc etc), I believe it's possible to just use a leveled list to spawn NPCs where you need 'em and equipped with (I presume, Talon/Brotherhood armour) whatever you want to have.

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