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my ghillie suit idea


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Alright so I already searched, and the ideas I found were sparse.


First, people seem to be more in favor of the (already made) 'stealth boy armors' out there, claiming that ghillie suits are fairly useless in an urban environment. You guys spend way too much time in the city :P. On a less light note, ghillie suits would be infinitely useful out in the waste (and infinitely more cheap).


Questions with lore have also arisen, with people assuming that if you made a ghillie suit mod it'd have to be one you'd take from an armory somewhere. The ghillie suit mod could easily be explained as a home-made one (craftable item, maybe?), rather than trying to figure out what would make the Armed Forces stock desert ghillie suits in DC.


Anyway, the main dilemma arises when we look at the fact that ghillie suits are only incredibly effective when their wearer is laying prone, stock still. They don't provide much cover when their user is moving (or have you seen a lot of moving bushes out there?). Earlier suggestions called for a huge sneak boost (~20 points), but a constant one. I'm suggesting someone good with scripting look at making it even higher (50? higher?), but scripting it so that it only kicks in when a person is crouched, unmoving, in sneak mode. As soon as you move the effect vanishes.


I'd do this all myself, but my modding experience goes about as far as interior design of some TES III mods. Anyone care to do some modeling and scripting for me?


I'm going to keep looking for one, and if I can find a model I'll update this post and hopefully find someone willing to help me work through scripting this.


My sniper can't be complete till he's got some greenery (or is it brownery now?) on 'im.

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Anyway, the main dilemma arises when we look at the fact that ghillie suits are only incredibly effective when their wearer is laying prone, stock still. They don't provide much cover when their user is moving (or have you seen a lot of moving bushes out there?). Earlier suggestions called for a huge sneak boost (~20 points), but a constant one. I'm suggesting someone good with scripting look at making it even higher (50? higher?), but scripting it so that it only kicks in when a person is crouched, unmoving, in sneak mode. As soon as you move the effect vanishes.
I think the scriptwork won't be too difficult. It's basically an enchantment that specifies three conditions with various effects.


I suggest you make the basic script yourself, place it on a wearable item and then see whether it works. If the script works, it's then only a matter of finding another person to make a ghille mesh.


Good luck. :)

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