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Skyrim veteran(self-titled) getting FC3 tomorrow! Noob advice?


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Hi guys! 21Crescendo here, bit of a noob when it comes to Far Cry 3. Well to be honest I haven't even played it yet. But I'm quite deft at modding Skyrim and have actually played Skyrim a LOT! So, I won't spam the boards with noobish mod-troubleshooting questions.


What, I do want to ask is -


1.> Should I install mods on my first playthrough of FC3? I'm getting the game tomorrow, and I don't really feel comfortable playing a new game without any mods (Too much Skyrim modding TBH!)


2.> Does the vanilla FC3 really need any mods? If yes, then please give me a short list of must-haves or community favorites, I'd really appreciate it! :D


3.> My preferences for modding in general are : Lore - Friendly, Immersive, Logical, Realistic - gameplay enhancing mods, so please enlighten me about any mods that fit the bill.


4.> I've been browsing the Top Files, but some user feedback is what I really need.



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  • 9 months later...

1) If you want, you can install any mods, but if (for example) 2 mods replace one file, you need unpack them 2, and pack in 1 file them 2, to support them 2!

2) If you really want modification for FC3. Becase vanilla, can be playable, without mods. And of course, FC3 more difficult to modding, then skyrim (maybe Becase, Bethesda support mods, Ubisoft not.)

3) All mods you can find, on Far Cry Nexus, and other (include other language) sites.

4) I really don't know, what say! So I don't fully answer, to this question.

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