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fallout3 vs new vegas


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Hi everyone! I personaly prefer fallout 3 more than new vegas because it's less cheesy/darker mood, weapon choice is just right (not dublicating each other on every step like in new vegas), enclave armor looks cooler than others (which you can't get in new vegas) etc.

What's your opinion on that?



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My opinion.... the two don't even compare. Fallout 3 I have played more times than I can count. Vegas I played through once. Tried it a second time and got bored. 3, for the reasons you already stated. It actually feels post apocalyptic, vegas just doesn't. Atmosphere, companions, story line, and so many awesome mods people have done for it. ...and are still doing. I just hope fallout 4 isn't a disappointment.

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My opinion.... the two don't even compare. Fallout 3 I have played more times than I can count. Vegas I played through once. Tried it a second time and got bored. 3, for the reasons you already stated. It actually feels post apocalyptic, vegas just doesn't. Atmosphere, companions, story line, and so many awesome mods people have done for it. ...and are still doing. I just hope fallout 4 isn't a disappointment.



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  • 2 months later...

I have a quite controversial opinion on the topic. I like Fallout: New Vegas ever so slightly better, mostly because I felt way more compelled to explore in New Vegas. In Fallout 3, I felt like I'd seen everything after the first 20 or so hours. And I HATED almost every character in the game. New Vegas had a lot more content and kept me playing for a lot longer, even if it does have a less "Apocalyptic" feel too it. I also loved collecting all of the unique weapons. The companions were also a lot more likeable.


Both are terrific games. New Vegas is hated on for being different then the other 3 games. No matter how good it is, a sequel always seems to be inferior in most fan's eyes. Idk why.

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I prefer NV. F3 is a game like Skyrim that's a mile wide but half an inch deep. The writing in NV is better, you actually have choices to make, there are dozens of possible outcomes, it's far easier to role play in NV than in F3, the crafting system is far superior (though I do like the idea of DIY weapons), your choices in weapons in second to none, NV can accomodate any kind of playthrough whereas in F3 if you want to play melee, explosive-based or unarmed you're screwing yourself, the companions are actually people as opposed to mules with weapons, the perks in NV are actually perks as opposed to the "perks" in F3 which are just "put 10 skill points here" which aren't perks at all. I played through NV dozens of times on vanilla, I've done 2 playthroughs of F3 vanilla. Despite the rush to make it, NV is better written, better designed, more well thought through.


Lastly, NV is a game in the true Fallout tradition whereas F3 has more in common with a turd like Brotherhood of Steel than the cannon Fallout games

Edited by wabbawabbajack
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Hi everyone! I personaly prefer fallout 3 more than new vegas because it's less cheesy/darker mood, weapon choice is just right (not dublicating each other on every step like in new vegas), enclave armor looks cooler than others (which you can't get in new vegas) etc.

What's your opinion on that?




New Vegas was way too cute for me ... aghhh where to begin ... anyhow, I hated the music and especially, "This is Mr New Vegas",

I would have shot him first if I ever found him.

The DLC's were laughable except for the Lonesome Road which I thought was just brill.

The dialogue was better than F3 but the rest of the game really defeated it's good points ... say no more.

F3 had that dark apocalyptic feel, that lonesome warrior survivalist atmosphere, that's what made the game outshine

NV by far.

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