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Shell Casings


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Im fairly certain this number lies in the shell casing ejection particle emitter settings. This would probably be an FX or Special Effect, Firing Effect type thing. (not animation).


Once you find it its just a matter of cranking up the number of meshes generated. I would save that out as an alternate firing effect, so you dont overwrite anything (unless you want to)

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If the shell casing Particle Effect is like most others, it should have a Decay rate setting... might also be called Lifespan, Life, Duration.. Lifetime... basically dictating how long the particle/meshes will last after being spawned. Ive never checked in the GECK regarding particles/emitters/FX so for now you're on your own lol. Ill need to look into it sooner or later though for my own mod so ill keep you posted as i learn more
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  • 4 years later...

Okay guys i have made the Been able to crank up the time on gorund for the shells but not the Nummber off Meshes.


Please guys help me get more shells on ground The time is in GAME Settings And you search for Shell and then it says Shell Lifetime on ground or sum like that.

Edited by MRCAir
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MRCAir - Hello!


There's a mod that allows spent casings to build up with an increased lifespan & total amount, it's Shells Rain by Ginnungagap:



"Please guys help me get more shells on ground"


The setting changed to allow more shells to accumulate is:




It's default is 25


It probably controls the total for all debris & not just spent casings.


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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MRCAir - Hello!


"Thx man where do i find this setting?"


Same place as those other settings you were changing, in GECK - Gameplay - Settings & then paste:




Into the "Filter" box & it will be displayed.


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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