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R&D Inventory, Items & Weapons Overhaul


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Any ideas?

Does the game run correctly with an unmodified decompressed upk file inside the CookedPCConsole folder? Have you removed the corresponding file with the .uncompressed_size extension, if there is any?

Other than that, have you checked the file sizes before and after modification? You need to make sure to replace only the indicated number of bytes, the file size needs to stay the same.


Yes, the file size does change after I replaced the two blocks. I gather now that this is what's causing the CTD but I tried replacing the blocks using xvi32 (block mark then block copy/overwrite) several times now and I am still clueless as to why the size changes. The game does load up fine with an unmodified decompressed command1.upk. It also works fine when the upk is modified via a ToolBoks script for Amineri's 'Third Small Item Mod' (which I have been using). The command1.upk file I tried to add your hex edits to is an unmodified and newly decompressed copy that I backed up prior to using Amineri's mod.

Edited by ripple
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If XVI32 is changing the file size, you might want to test another hex editor. We link to HxD on the Wiki 'Modding Tools' page, and have no reports of such problems with it. Otherwise, make sure you are marking exactly the same number of bytes for replacement. Replacing more or fewer bytes is about the only other way you can be altering the file size with a hex editor.


With HxD you find the offeset location, highlight only the first byte (2 characters) and then paste your replacement block. It replaces bytes consequetively from that point. The Wiki article 'Basic Guide to Installing Mods' has an example with HxD.



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  • 4 months later...

Im not familiar with hex editors nor all the other programs you are using.

Toolbooks is the easiest programm and it is the only one i am abtle to implement all this upk modifications yet :confused:

Well as i understand how toolboks work, it is some kind of automaticaly compress and decompressing hex edit.

I was able to change older mods or create an own by collecting all needed infos.


But i miss the infos i need for your scrollbar :sad:

Could you tell me which upk was edited and maybe the offset for the hex changes?

would be great!


Edit: ehm was talking about the bar for the itemslots

Edited by yerude
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  • 1 month later...

Sorry all but I would like to ask one thing since I a new to this modding business


I want to make some changes on the weapons that xcom uses but I would like to ask if it is possible and if yes then how


I will explain


Conventional weapons (except for pistols and shotguns) change into XCOM laser weapons (XCOM LASER rifle, XCOM heavy Laser


Researched laser weapons (XCOM Laser rifle, heavy laser, laser sniper) change into EXALT Laser Weapons (Like EXALT laser Rifle, you can't change the scatter laser since EXALT had no similar weapons) (Laser Pistol remain unchanged)


Plasma remain same


What I imply is that in the original game, the conventional weapons have an unlimited amount so all new rookies will use them while for the rookies to use lasers you need to buy them. I don't like conventional weapons so is it possible to change all base weapons to the standard XCOM laser weapons while the laser weapons after completing the Beam Weapon Research be EXALT laser weapons with slightly improved stats?


Thank you

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@ No2114


What you propose is possible but would require quite a few hex edits to accomplish. We did something similar as part of Long War EW, although we made the starting weapons be the EXALT-model ballistic weapons. This required modding somewhere around 10 or so functions via hex.

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Thank you for your reply but I would like to ask how to edit via hex as you mentioned?

Also I know that in LW you can have SHIV with different weapons (IF I recalled correctly) and items as well

Could someone elaborate on this matter on instructions to do so


Again, sorry for being a complete novice.


Thank You

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Not that we want to discourage anyone, but realize that you are going to have to commit some serious time and effort into learning how to hex edit functions from scratch. Be prepared to make errors and have everything backed up, because everyone makes mistakes that can break the game.


The wiki contains most of what you need to get started, but it will take time to read the relevant articles. Start with everything in 'Category:0 Start here - XCOM': in particular 'Basic_Guide_to_installing_mods'. Try some of the elementary modding described in the 'Simple "Anyone can do it" Modding' section. Then move on to the section on 'Advanced Modding'.


Feel free to ask questions in the Forum, but remember: the experienced code divers are working on their own projects. They are incredibly generous with their time, but it's better spent on questions only they might know the answer to than something you can get with a little searching online. A general novice question is more likely to get a response from someone else (like me, with this). Everyone starts out as a novice. Asking questions is how you move beyond that.


But the net is wide and most novice questions have already been answered out there. At that level, specifics are not that important to understanding the technique. Once you have the technique mastered, the specifics mostly boil down to getting the syntax of the specific coding language correct.



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