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Hit Enemy = Sends Them Flying


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Greetings all,


I'm sorry to ask a question i'm sure has already been asked, but I spent the past 20 mins trying to get the "SEARCH" function to work, but for whatever reason, I keep getting a white screen.


So I have 2 questions & they are this:


1) In GECK, how do you make it so that either when you hit or kill an enemy, they go flying. I tried reverse engineering a mod that had the effect on a baseball bat, but the enemies just fall down once they die. I can edit the mod & add my own effects on death or on hit, but how do you make them go flying? I looked under "Object Effect" didn't see what I was looking for. If I make a "New" one, then what option do I use under "Effect" in the Effect Item screen?


2) Please direct me to a tutorial that makes it possible to add a scope onto a weapon that does not normally have one. I have managed to get the sniper view working once I click on the R.mouse button ingame, but there is no graphic "Scope" on the weapon itself.


Thank you very much for the help.

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Thanks for the reply's.




I did not see the "PushActorAway" option. I must be blind if it's there, as I looked twice @ 2 different times & still did not see it. I also looked for variations of such an effect, but still nothing. As for your other suggestion dealing with scripting, well lets just say that scripting is a wee bit out of my abilities at the moment.




Thanks for the suggestion, but didn't seem to work. At least not the way I did it.


What i'm looking for, is similar to the Liberty Prime effect only without the blue graphical effects. So in the event when I get a critical, the NPC will be pushed/thrown a great distance away, as in across the map.


Thanks for the suggestions thus far. Does anyone else here know of a mod that already does what i'm asking? I'll reverse engineer if need be to teach myself. I think I remember a weapon pack from December that had a weapons that had a similar effect. Gonna go look for it.



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You can adjust a projectile's impact force... that would send their body flying on death probably... Its under the projectile tab in special effects or w/e



Hmmm.. I have the editor up at the moment working on something. I'm gonna look into that. Thanks for the info!



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EDIT: - Wait a sec, I think I got it!! Back in 5...




Thank you all!


Kudo's to:


CowgirlFromHell :thanks:

Sarteka :thanks:

Skree000 :thanks:

Callighan :thanks:


I got exactly what I was looking for & much more.



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