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Havok Tools Exporter


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I've made some minor adjustments to animations in the past, but I've had some small issues with recent animations, so I've decided it's time to get Havok Content Tools. So, I followed Aeon's pro tutorial through the parts that walk through the Havok Content Tools exporting, but I can't get my files to export. I get the same error every time: Cannot create file "file name" to write to. Aborting.


Has anyone experienced the same problem and found a fix? If so, pray tell. It's so hard to find help with animating. :(



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Havok Content Tools requires support software's and the chip set needs to be qualified too. Microsfot Dll dil's and they are not free nor are they cheap.

Let me as k you this, can your system render all of the demos that are available with that tools set? if not, then you are missing software or the system can not support the tools sets.



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Thanks for the reply. I've got the exporting working now; I'm not sure how or why, but it's now working.


However, if I export through Havok then my animation is twisted and distorted in game. I have no idea what to do.


I'm only adjusting vanilla animations slightly to improve them, so it would be nice if I could just use hkxcmd and do it without Havok. I'm not even sure I need Havok. The problem I was having before was that the 3rd person camera was static, so if I transitioned from my animation to a vanilla animation (like sprinting or sneaking), then there would be a sharp camera jitter instead of a smooth transition. Also, I get a jitter with all of my animations. I'm pretty sure it's where the loop starts over, and I've already tried removing the extra frame 3ds Max puts in the animations. It doesn't change anything.


I've honestly just about given up on this whole thing. It's so hard to find help with animating, and there doesn't seem to be anyone having the same issues on forums and such. The animations play beautifully in 3ds Max, and almost play beautifully in game. There's just that sharp camera stutter when transitioning from a custom animation to a vanilla animation (or another custom one that was done right), and the single jitter with the animations themselves.


I feel like I'm so close, yet so very far from the answer.

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I also get these warnings in Havok exporter.


[0xabba345b] Warning : 'x_NPC LookNode [Look]' specified in file but not found in scene...

Adding as a float in CreateSkeleton Filter

[0xabba345b] Warning : 'x_NPC Translate [Pos ]' specified in file but not found in scene...

Adding as a float in CreateSkeleton Filter

[0xabba345b] Warning : 'x_NPC Rotate [Rot ]' specified in file but not found in scene...

Adding as a float in CreateSkeleton Filter

[0xabba345b] Warning : 'Camera3rd [Cam3]' specified in file but not found in scene...

Adding as a float in CreateSkeleton Filter

[0xabba345b] Warning : 'Camera Control' specified in file but not found in scene...

Adding as a float in CreateSkeleton Filter


Apparently I'm missing some bones. I can see that Camera3rd is not there, and that's obviously why I'm getting my camera jitter. I couldn't imagine why I'd be missing bones. I'm using the vanilla skeleton, converted with hkxcmd, and I even imported the cameras into 3ds Max. All I have is Cam 1 and Cam 2.

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e-mail me the file so I can inspect it. too much talk will not solve this bug. Do you have the source code file too? if so send that as well.

here. in the open it's really hard to judge whats going on, it may not know how to handle the command and you may still need the proper dll files for it to work wright.



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Good God in Heaven, how does one get Havok to export?


I've even got a Max file all prepped by RogueMage, one that works fine for him. I used his configuration and suggestions and everything. Still, Havok "cannot create file to write to. Aborting." Ugh!

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If anyone out there is having a similar problem with exporting through Havok--the file path needs to be short. As a matter of fact, it would not export for me at all unless it was exporting to the scenes folder of 3ds Max.

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