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I need some scripting help


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I'm working on a small modding project, and I am in need of a piece of a script to remove a certain item from inventory every 10 seconds while a certain condition is met.


What time related script functions are in the engine? I have not seen any on the Bethesda websites. (I would most likely also need a "goto" command so it repeats)


If your curious about the mod you'll just have to wait until I release it :biggrin:


Any assistance would be nice

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GetSecondsPassed would probably be what you want to use for counting time. You'd set it up like...


if timer > 0

set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed

elseif player.GetItemCount [your item] > 0 && [other condition] == 1

player.RemoveItem [your item] 1

set timer to 10



You can work the other condition in a few different ways, so that's just a rough example. You should probably start with the other condition, then let the timer run.

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You can also create a quest, and connect it to the script that removes the item.

The quest would be "Start Game Enabled" (runs when a game loads), delay 10 sec, priority 60 or more (this priority is standard ).


You can put the condition either in the script or on the quest(*).


NOTE: If the script is connected to abilities or perks the timer way is probably better.


* I usually prefer the script

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It should be something like this:


ScriptName myItemScript

short timer

Begin OnEquip Player
set timer to 10 //reset timer on equip

Begin OnUnequip

Begin GameMode
If Player.GetEquipped myItem == 1 //double check to run only when the item is equipped
	if timer > 0

		set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed //decrease timer each time the script runs
		// should be around  2s

		//when the timer runs out do the following lines:
	elseif player.GetItemCount [item to remove] > 0 && [other condition] == 1

		player.RemoveItem [item to remove] 1
		set timer to 10 //reset timer



note: This one might have minor compile errors, I wrote it in notepad.

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