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VR Quest delay


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I don't think it's that complicated. I would imagine that the Start Game Enabled thing only has any meaning if the script has blocks that would be called every 'quest delay' seconds, Otherwise (on second thought) it means nothing and does nothing that would hurt performance for a script that is just used as a global variable repository for other quests..


The question I was asking is: Can you still set and get its quest variables, and will the game still save them in the savegame, if it is not running? I believe the answer is YES, since there may still be a need to check quest variables even after the quest is stopped.


So, I don't see it as an issue worth further investigating, except (as Dubious stated) those that can decipher the actual code want to.


I'm yet to test it but the tutorial does state that you need the Start Game Enabled checked. However, by testing I've seen that yes as you've said the delay is not important.

I have a Quest Script that after running once, it temporarily sets the delay to one hour


if GetGameRestarted

;Do Stuff


SetDelayElapsed 3600



It is a naïve attempt at optimization really, which probably isn't doing what I meant it to do, but to the point, SetDelayElapsed temporarily overrides the Quest Delay, so it'll always run once each hour in the current game session after the first time it runs. But in this quest I have 2 variables that I access from another script, and even though the quest doesn't run the variables can be used, so that answers my initial question.


Now the thing about variables being able to be used and or modified with the Start Game Enabled box unchecked is something I'll test whenever I have time, though if the tutorial is explicit about checking it, my guess is that it is necessary.

Edited by ePath
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