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Waters of Life


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Now here's an odd bug! During the quest Waters of life I went to drain the pipes. Used the pipething and... verbitibirts landed. Enclave unloaded and.... They stayed there! The gate was unlocked so I went out but no enclave. The quest marker pointed me to the pipe activation valve over and over again. One bird seems to be hung in mid air. Now I tried using the completequest code. But it's missing a parameter. Would any one be so kind and help me get this thing done?
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Double posting.


Anyway, I played from my save game (bye bye 4 hours of gameplay...). Been there, done that. Now I know what is bugged. When I Activate the Valves to "Drain the pipes", enclave lands, pipe wheel turns however the quest to drain the pipes is not marked as done. Any ideas ? I bet I could just use something like Quetquestcompleted if I had a valid ID for that quest. Please respond.

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  • 11 months later...

I am in the same boat here and still cannot figure out a workaround via console that completes that stage. When I turn the wheel I get the cinema with the vertibirds landing but the stage never completes and if I exit the pipe there are no Enclave soldiers to fight. base ID for the whole quest is 0x00014e8b and the stage is 75 but when I use getstagedone nothing happens. I can use setstage command to reset that stage with same resutls or start the next part, but then Dad is still up there and has not interacted with the Colonel. Dr Li and the others are in the tunnel and need to be escorted. :wallbash: I have tried going back to before leaving Rivet City with the scientists with no luck.


Input would be greatly appreciated. PC by the way...no DLC.

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