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CTD at main menu, only SKSE active


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I recently updated SKSE to the latest available version. Upon launching Skyrim the Bethesda logo plays perfectly and then when the main menu loads, the game crashes to the desktop. In my attempts to remedy the issue I've updated all active mods to the latest versions, deactivated all mods except the ones that don't conflict at all with one another in my experience (CBBE, Better Males, EEO, SkyUI, Alternate Start, Covereyes, Coverkhajiits, Coverwomen, No More Ugly Bronze Shine, Sport Sexy Map, RaceMenu, and iHUD), reinstalled SKSE, and then deactivated all mods so SKSE was the only active modification to the vanilla game. After each of these attempts I experienced CTD on the main menu. I would assume this means that SKSE is the problem which seems odd because I've never had an issue with it ever before. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? If so, how did you fix it?

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