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Game crashes anywhere near Whiterun


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I run Skyrim LE. All of a sudden three days ago it starts crashing wherever I get near Whiterun. Only one mod, Skyfall Estate, is located outside the city near Honningbrew Meadery. The game does not crash in any other venue, just Whiterun. I have all in-game save options turned off and manual save everything. Typical save file size is 34,000kb, SKSE 2,700kb. Here is my load order if anyone cares to look at it:


0 0 Skyrim.esm

1 1 Update.esm

2 2 Dawnguard.esm

3 3 HearthFires.esm

4 4 Dragonborn.esm

5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp

6 6 Falskaar.esm

7 7 hdtHighHeel.esm

8 8 EFFCore.esm

9 9 RigmorCyrodiil - Sounds.esm

10 a RigmorCyrodiil - Textures.esm

11 b ApachiiHairFemales.esm

12 c ApachiiHair.esm

13 d Unofficial Falskaar Patch.esp

14 e DreadPrison.esm

15 f RigmorCyrodiil.esm

16 10 RaceCompatibility.esm

17 11 arnima.esm

18 12 Vigilant.esm

19 13 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp

20 14 guard dialogue overhaul.esp

21 15 LubaSkyWings.esp

22 16 EFFDialogue.esp

23 17 RDO - EFF v4.0.2 Patch.esp

24 18 Proudspire Manor Refined.esp

25 19 Hjerim.esp

26 1a Helgen Reborn.esp

27 1b Better Honeyside.esp

28 1c MWTheHusk.esp

29 1d ApachiiHairStyles.esp

30 1e RigmorCyrodiil_DLC01.esp

31 1f theevilmansionde.esp

32 20 CultofAgnar.esp

33 21 War With The Aldmeri Dominion - Invasion of Solstheim.esp

34 22 HammetDungeons.esp

35 23 SilianManor.esp

36 24 morthalslegacy.esp

37 25 Volundr.esp

38 26 taleoffalcoe.esp

39 27 thedomain.esp

40 28 SolemnKeep.esp

41 29 Dungeon.esp

42 2a AdalMatar.esp

43 2b hsfstockade.esp

44 2c stranger_danger.esp

45 2d SkyfallEstate.esp

46 2e Rebellion&Retribution.esp

47 2f Immersive Patrols II.esp

48 30 tos_amber_guard.esp

49 31 The Fifth Gate.esp

50 32 ApachiiHairStylesELVES.esp

51 33 Feminine Females.esp

52 34 tos_laintardale_hf.esp

53 35 ORVAR.esp

54 36 tos_oakwood_hf.esp

55 37 DreadPrisonPatchARVMAS.esp

56 38 Jornheim.esp

57 39 RigmorCyrodiilPatch.esp

58 3a sunkentemple.esp

59 3b Serana Dialogue Edit.esp

60 3c Marriable Serana.esp

61 3d visageofmzund.esp

62 3e sadist bosses.esp

63 3f orvarstomb2.esp

64 40 tos_granitehall.esp

65 41 KNM_Mour.esp

66 42 zach's dwemer cairn.esp

67 43 Luma_From_Beyond.esp

68 44 RRTheRedDragonsTomb.esp

69 45 Fresh Faces - USLEEP.esp

70 46 Talos Vos.esp

71 47 EasierRidersDungeonPack.esp

72 48 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp

73 49 better skuldafn (by lyrielle2003).esp

74 4a gifts of the outsider.esp

75 4b Rigmor.esp

76 4c gersonia.esp

77 4d ESFAela.esp

78 4e hrongar's_rest.esp

79 4f AnfangrumsPit.esp

80 50 Sulfuras The Reclaimed Hand - Johnskyrim.esp

81 51 [Dint999] KSH's HDT.esp

82 52 Serana.esp

83 53 RaceMenu.esp

84 54 RaceMenuPlugin.esp

85 55 XPMSE.esp

86 56 UIExtensions.esp

87 57 Animated Dragon Wings.esp

88 58 Animated Fairy Wings.esp

89 59 SoniaArmor.esp

90 5a Rikushai_EmperorsWardrobe.esp

91 5b FNIS.esp

92 5c ImmersiveLoversComfort.esp

93 5d KS Hairdo's.esp

94 5e Leather Clothes.esp

95 5f LindsSpellslinger.esp

96 60 NightshadeSuit.esp

97 61 AsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.esp

98 62 Ranger Outfit Fashion.esp

99 63 Rayg_NoBYOHAttacks.esp

100 64 SeraphineHuntedArmor.esp

101 65 ShareYourMeal.esp

102 66 SkyUI.esp

103 67 SuperUnrelentingForce.esp

104 68 UNP - Academy Dropout.esp

105 69 UNP - SWAT Hottie.esp

106 6a Ranger Outfit.esp

107 6b VayanArmor.esp

108 6c AncientDraugr.esp

109 6d Celes Rogue Armor UNP LE.esp

110 6e Claire Version 1.1.esp

111 6f Cloaks&Capes.esp

112 70 Hope100.esp

113 71 MHBIona.esp

114 72 Skyrim Sizes.esp

115 73 Marriable Serana HF.esp

116 74 Lilith_Follower.esp

117 75 RDO - USLEEP Patch.esp

118 76 Keri Companion.esp

119 77 Eltmeri - The Fairy Race.esp

120 78 MHBhearthfires.esp

121 79 Alexa.esp

122 7a R18Pn - Ritter Armor - Heavy.esp

123 7b TW3_femaleArmors_zzjay.esp

124 7c Elie.esp

125 7d Elina.esp

126 7e Anuriel.esp

127 7f Forgotten Crypt.esp

128 80 AuroranLagrieArmory.esp

129 81 konahrik, the priest.esp

130 82 crimsonquest2.esp

131 83 daedriseeker.esp

132 84 thalmorembassybattle.esp

133 85 LoonaShadow.esp

134 86 the quickening HL 001M7.esp

135 87 ThadDLCAdditionsLakeview.esp

136 88 Northpoint.esp

137 89 FollowerTrish.esp

138 8a Raven Witch Armor.esp

139 8b pp_engelmannrest.esp

140 8c SirinGassil.esp

141 8d ApachiiHelmetWigs.esp

142 8e ErynielElfV2.esp

143 8f Armored Circlets.esp

144 90 Borgakh.esp

145 91 Mavari Armor.esp

146 92 rugged_rogue.esp

147 93 CalienteVanillaArmorTweaks.esp

148 94 CourtierLucy.esp

149 95 CrimsonTwilightArmor.esp

150 96 CrystalChime.esp

151 97 DLC1Serana.esp

152 98 Dark Face Bug Fix.esp

153 99 DemonHunter_Scarf.esp

154 9a EFFNakedFix.esp

155 9b ESO Altmer Armor by NewrMind43.esp

156 9c Earrings Set1.esp

157 9d Eirid.esp

158 9e EmilinaSoron_v1.esp

159 9f Erika Follower.esp

160 a0 Facelight.esp

161 a1 FasterCraftableCrossbowsStandAlone.esp

162 a2 FollowersStayClose.esp

163 a3 HDT Capes.esp

164 a4 Jenassa.esp

165 a5 Kamille.esp

166 a6 LadyKdCirclets.esp

167 a7 Lain Follower.esp

168 a8 LonelyKarliah.esp

169 a9 Matys Mithril armor Enhanced.esp

170 aa Merta Assassin Armor.esp

171 ab Mjoll Replacer.esp

172 ac Mord Sith Cara.esp

173 ad Nightingale Maskless.esp

174 ae NosPiercedEarsAll.esp

175 af OpenFaceGuardHelmets.esp

176 b0 OvLeatherArmor.esp

177 b1 OvLeatherBlack.esp

178 b2 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp

179 b3 RiaadaFunakk.esp

180 b4 SJBShani.esp

181 b5 SineadFollower.esp

182 b6 Skix Follower Lilla.esp

183 b7 SnowWhite.esp

184 b8 SummonSirinGassil.esp

185 b9 TessKruklach.esp

186 ba Tish Follower.esp

187 bb VSCiriDLCUNP.esp

188 bc WestWindMisfit.esp

189 bd _MelissaX.esp

190 be anyonefollows2.esp

191 bf armorebonyranger.esp

192 c0 calyps-bosmer.esp

193 c1 cheat ring.esp

194 c2 diara.esp

195 c3 ebonyheartclan.esp

196 c4 jorrvaskrmarker.esp

197 c5 R18Pn - Eisen Platte Armor.esp

198 c6 lisette.esp

199 c7 losttomb.esp

200 c8 lydia.esp

201 c9 modcarrahroseadult.esp

202 ca ogDiverseDragons.esp

203 cb ogUnconditionalSleepHearthfire.esp

204 cc rayya.esp

205 cd samuraiarmor.esp



Load order generated by LOOT (like 10 times over last three days). Any help is appreciated. Thanks. :pinch:

Edited by varkonasnorse
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This type of crash is mostly associated with bad or corrupt meshes but you never know. Does skse log register anything related to crash?

I see nothing in the way of error messages in SKSE logs at all. But I also tried using Creation Kit to correct an NPC and I got this message in a white box, a red circle with an X in it,




File:..\TES Shared\misc\BGSLocalizedString.cpp


Line: 2871

LOCALIZATION: Error opening or reading strings file.


Abort, Retry, Ignore


So I hit Ignore, and CK closes. Does that sound like anything?

Edited by varkonasnorse
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No, it is ck not loading multiple masters at once. You would need some ini tweak to fix that. It has nothing do with game crash.


Where exactly does your game crash around whiterun? Can you fast travel inside whiterun? And do you not get any error dialogue window when game crashes? How much free space you have drive-wise? Do you have crash fixes installed in your game? There are plenty out there now, you should get some.


Post your pc specs maybe?

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Answer to your first question: You name it... anywhere from Pelagia farm to the main gate. Just walking in the road near Whiterun will make it crash.


Answer to your second question: Getting into Whiterun is the problem.


Answer to third question: Not at all. Not in game logs or SKSE logs. Nuthin'.


Answer to fourth question: 1.07 TB


Answer to fifth question: I have one crash fix package that's a couple of years old, but I have never had this kind of trouble before.


PC Specs: Intel Core i3 2120 processor, 1.5 TB HD, Intel HD graphics + NVIDIA GeForce 610GT, 8 GB DDR3 mem, Running Windows 7 with Windows 10 upgrades


Been running this game for 4 years with no major issues until now. I'm going to be buying a new i7 laptop. Maybe I should just get SSE and start over. :ermm:

Edited by varkonasnorse
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Your specs are nice for the game unless you are using an enb it is going to struggle. Only thing that concerns me about your load order is that you are using many dlc sized mods. You should at least get enbboost, having enb in game is not required for it. Also sorting load order with loot might help u as well.

I don't want to sound like hateful or anything but rigmor and beyond reach are kinda ctd mania as both use lot of scripts.

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Your specs are nice for the game unless you are using an enb it is going to struggle. Only thing that concerns me about your load order is that you are using many dlc sized mods. You should at least get enbboost, having enb in game is not required for it. Also sorting load order with loot might help u as well.

I don't want to sound like hateful or anything but rigmor and beyond reach are kinda ctd mania as both use lot of scripts.

I do have an enb and enb boost. I also tried disabling those large mods, but it did nothing for the system. I use LOOT religeously but it doesn't always sort correctly, and I end up doing it manually. I do use Vortex which takes some of the work out of it, but that isn't foolproof either.


As far as the large mods go, I haven't had any problems with any of the ones I use currently, and they all have been in there a while ( at least a year). I did install the newer version of Wyrmstooth, but that mod never did work right and always crashed at the same spots, so I took it out. The mod did have sequences in Whiterun, though. I wonder if that had anything to do with my problem now. Anyhow, I used TES5Edit to clean up the DLCs just in case, but nothing seems to work.


NOTE: In case you're wondering, I have downloaded and installed fresh copies of the game files from Steam, in case of any corruption issues.

Edited by varkonasnorse
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Try this maybe https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/104254?tab=description i don't use it myself so i can't say for sure if it will work for you or not but you can give it a try but on the other hand you are saying that this only happens near whiterun only so i don't think it is a memory issue then. Possibility is it could be a npc. What if you came to whiterun from other side or directly fast travel to dragon search?
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Try this maybe https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/104254?tab=description i don't use it myself so i can't say for sure if it will work for you or not but you can give it a try but on the other hand you are saying that this only happens near whiterun only so i don't think it is a memory issue then. Possibility is it could be a npc. What if you came to whiterun from other side or directly fast travel to dragon search?

Ok. Tried all this stuff and nothing works. I think the DLC might be corrupted somehwere but have no clue how to approach that. I attemted to re-intall the DLCs but Steam has no options for individual DLC installs. My latest USLEeP file is from 2017 and I don't think there was another one. Other than that I can't think of any other way to repair it. Got any ideas? :sick:

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