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Retractable Bridge help


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I am very new to the modding scene, more specifically using tools on the Bethesda side of the house-My last modding experience dates back to Quake 3 and UT2K3. Over the past few days with the help of a friend who has some mods posted up here on Nexus, I dove head first into the architecture side of Skyrim, but I now find myself at the proverbial "wall." I am certainly new to the Creation Kit and what it can do, but I am starting to get used to the general options and tools that it provides as far as building in Skyrim. I spent a few hours last night on google, and here, looking for some guidance on switches and devices, more specifically, the Retractable Bridge. I am looking for a basic solution for the mod I am building to provide a level of protection to the player in a non-instanced area. I have elevated structures that are all interconnected, with one main entrance via a bridge. I am looking to scratch a portion of the bridge and afford the player the ability to enter the area, turn around, and raise a retractable bridge to deny access to enemy NPCs. I have located the different bridges themselves, but I am unsure as to how the mechanics actually work as far as adding a switch or lever to manipulate the up and down action of the bridge. I apologize in advance if I am missing any tutorials or documentation anywhere on the forums, as I have already attempted to do a search for what I am looking for.


Thanks for any help!

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You need two activators from the Object window. MetalLever01 and NorRetractableBridge01. Double click the bridge and add MetalLever01 as a new activate parent. When the Ref selection box pops up click 'Select Reference in Render Window' and just use the target to click the lever.


Then if you move over to the script tab on NorRetractableBridge01, highlight 'default2StateActivator' and click properties. Here you can tweak a few settings for the bridge behavior like if its initially opened or closed. If you want the bridge initially drawn then highlight isOpen and check the box on the right.

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