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ModMaker face import errors


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Hi everyone,

I'm trying to import a modified head mesh into ModMaker but keep getting errors. Either "Input string was not in a correct format." when I'm doing what usually works, or "Exception: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index" when I change settings. I've already tried everything I could find online.

Here's what I have done and know so far:

  • I didn't change any names of objects/groups/LODs
  • same amount of vertices, none deleted or (re)added
  • tried different import/export settings in Blender. --I used Blender 2.79 especially because some export setting(s) changed in 2.90 and I know the export options to use for 2.79.
  • tried different scales, though it is obvious that just keeping everything at the default 1.000 is correct
  • region time & check for commas in the OBJ file (there were none).
  • running ModMaker as admin
  • reset configs & deleted the cache
  • SlimDX & DirectX11 are installed
  • .NET Framework 4.8 (does it have to be 4.0?)

Like others before I tried just exporting the OBJ from ModMaker and re-importing it without any changes. That also doesn't work. At first I thought it was an export issue, but a hair mesh I've altered works just fine. So... I'm confused and don't know what else to try.
It's been hours and I'm starting to annoy myself a bit. It's not a drastic change or anything game-altering but I need to know:D

Any help is appreciated! :smile:



Edit: Even though the hair mesh I tested out today does import, when merged in ModManager the game stays on an infinite loading screen.

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Hi. I'm afraid head import isn't functional in DAIMM anyways even if you did manage to to import it, as it just puts black spots on the characters face and makes their pupils look super broken and weird, but doesn't actually reflect changes of edits. Even with frosty, there are only like 2 characters that can have their faces fully edited with mesh import (Iron bull and Kieran), and some completely random skyhold extras, and even that requires some extra troubleshooting. There is an exception to this for some other characters, but that exception only applies to swapping one characters head for another, WITHOUT doing any edits to the head in a 3d modelling program, because it will explode their eyes if you do that.


If you're thinking "I've seen mods that swap the inquisitors face for an NPCs", that's done in a different way, not via mesh import.


But for future reference, the input string was not a correct format is usually due to if you export your .obj file with materials, you don't want to do that. I don't know about the framework version having to be 4.0 but I know 4.0 is listed specifically as a requirement. And you need mod maker 17 for mesh import. But regardless of those settings, you're probably not going to have much luck considering head import isn't really functional in either of the mod makers atm.

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Thank you for your fast and detailed response! I had no idea about most of that.


  On 2/24/2021 at 12:40 PM, Dmitrias said:

there are only like 2 characters that can have their faces fully edited with mesh import (Iron bull and Kieran)

Strange that only those two can be edited. Is there a reason for that?

  On 2/24/2021 at 12:40 PM, Dmitrias said:
If you're thinking "I've seen mods that swap the inquisitors face for an NPCs", that's done in a different way, not via mesh import.

No, I was actually just pushing some verts around on Sera's face.

The input string error I get with or without materials. The index error I get when trying to import the just exported face.
I tried the head mesh with both versions and Still have to try the hair mesh with 17. But I'm assuming you're right, I did read that 19 has that infinite loading screen issue (when importing textures, might be true for meshes as well).


Edit: Yes! You were right. The hair mesh does work when making the mod with 17. Thank you:)

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Iron bull and Kieran are special because they don't have facial morphs like most people do. That's why you can edit their faces with one of the mod makers, but not really many other people's faces if using mesh import. There's this whole thing with facial posers or something which I think is what screws up people's faces when importing over them, but I don't know that much beyond that.

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Ok, thank you. I don't know anything about facial morphs in this case. I just went "da3/actors/baseheads/sera" and exported the [skinnedMeshAsset] and thought that would work.

Maybe I'll play around with that a little provided I can find his head. It's not under his name and when I try to preview the qunarimale mesh MM crashes. But thanks, that helped a lot.

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Iron Bull does have a unique custom 3d model for his head, he doesn't use the default qunari male one, what I meant by he doesn't have a facial morph is that he doesn't have a MorphStatic, neither does Kieran, nor some of the random skyhold NPCs who can also have their heads edited with relatively no issue except Iron Bull's and Kieran's eye textures get messed up without extra edits.


Sera, however, does have a facial morph. So it will be an issue for her.


But, if that issue is overcome, the other issue is that for me anyways, when editing with DAIMM, the eye ball models get irreparably distorted. It can be fixed with frosty, but not for models from dai mod maker, in my experience. On top of that, the models may have irreparable black patches in corners of the mouth and eyes etc with DAIMM, regardless of how the normals look in your 3d modelling program, it's a bug with the dai mod maker mesh import, unfortunately.

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I understand. So Frosty obviously has more capabilities. I had no idea Frosty Editor existed. I remember a few months after MEA came out I checked for a modding tool to no avail as you know. I'm not a regular modder (can you tell?):'D
I'll familiarize myself with Frosty tools. Just messed around with it a little, watched tutorials on Frosty Mesh Importer and FrostMeshy, which doesn't find the *.res. But it definitely seems great so far.
Thank you for helping me.

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Oh, if you use frosty it still won't help with Sera's face specifically, unfortunately. Unless you just want to port an already existing characters face over her heard without any edits. But besides that, frosty will only help for people who don't have facial morphs. ;w; I guess this was my long drawn-out way of saying of you maybe want to wait until face mesh import is supported, woops. xD But good luck with any of your other modding endeavors! <3


(for reference, this is the current state of frosty mesh import when importing heads from 3d modelling programs over people that aren't Kieran, Iron Bull, or some skyhold extra NPCs, SPOILERED FOR BODY HORROR, it's scary):



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