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New race


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I want to make a race with a Drain spell as a racial, but when I set it to "spell," it doesn't work- it doesn't even show up in my spellbook, and when I set it to "lesser power," it fires for like half a second before going on the "lesser power" cooldown. Can anyone help me? This is my first mod

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK- decided to not go with the drain racial.

Couple questions though-

1) How do I make it so that the custom race is compatible with vampirism (the roleplay angle for the race involves vampires)

2) When I try playing as my custom race in game, everything except for my head is invisible. How do I fix this?

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i think i can help with the invisible body... when in the race modifaction window, under the general tab there is a section that says "copied data" under which is 2 drop-down boxes, they should both be set to which-ever race you are basing this mod on, it makes it so it treats your race's body as the race you select

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There are quite a few steps involved when creating a new race. It's not one of the easier things to do if you want it to become a vampire/werewolf. But, if you follow my steps, I think you can do it.


First, (let's say you made a clone of nords) like the poster above said, change the MorphRace and ArmorRace to NordRace.


If your custom race is still a floating head, check in the ArmorAddOn section for an object called NakedFeet. This is only for human feet, if you cloned something different, i.e. a beast race, find the proper one. Open it up and ensure it says DefaultRace in the center top area, and on the sidebar is a list of races, find your race and click it to activate it if it isn't already. Do the same for the files NakedHands and NakedTorso.


Your custom race should now be visible.


If you want him to become a vampire, you're going to have to edit some scripts. Don't be scared though, it's not that bad. That is, unless you have a mod that edits the scripts we're about to edit, in which case, I may not be able to help you. So if you have a variety of vampire mods already installed, skip this step and search around for a custom race compatibility mod that works for you. This is more of a DIY home solution.


So third step, still in the Creation Kit, duplicate your duplicate race, let's call it NewNordRace, and name it NewNordRaceVampire. Open up NordRaceVampire and copy the keywords into your new NewNordRaceVampire race.


Fourth, open up your PlayerVampireQuestScript in a script editor, I use the GECK Script Editor, and find where the script makes race checks. It should have a couple sections where it lists every race in the game. First, they should be listed as a bunch of properties, following the format for every other race, add your race. Next there should be two sections where it checks for the race, first to store it and next to restore it later (but maybe there are three I forget). These should also clearly list every race and not be too hard to find. Again, follow the format used to add your race.


Lastly, if you want your new race to be able to become a werewolf, and at this point you've come this far, might as well finish it's functionality, do the same with your CompanionsHousekeepingScript.


And, if I'm correct, you have a fully functioning custom race that can become a vampire, or vampire lord for that matter.

Edited by budcat
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ok- now the body is there, but there are two instances of the race now- I would imagine one with the vampire keyword and one without. Sorry about this guys- I wanna make a race and this is my first mod period, for any game, and I want it to have a vampiric necromancer feel to it. If it helps in the fixing, I do have Better Vampires by Brehanin active.

Edited by Feliaria
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Hey, I want to add a daily racial to my race that increases their spell damage and eliminates magicka cost for like a minute, but they can't be healed except by drain spells. Anyone know how I can make it? Like what skills do I need to put in it?

Edited by Feliaria
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