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Lighting Issue


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Hi I'm having a problem with lighting. I place a light in a room, and for some reason parts of the wall, ceiling or floor go nearly black. From certain angles it's fine. I have even replaced the affected areas with new walls, floors or ceilings, some times it works some times it doesn't. Is this a creation kit bug or am I missing something. I Don't remember having this problem in the passed.

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It sounds like a long-shot, but the only time I've seen anything like that is when there are too many light sources in a room. As far as I have tested, the Creation Engine doesn't render a certain number of lights. If I'm right, remove one light node from the area, and then equip a torch. If the effect comes back, then that means there are too many.


If not that, then the light is placed in a strange spot.


That's all I got :confused:

Edited by Senviro
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Yeah, I had a similar problem when creating a dungeon. I placed about 10 torches in a hallway, but only a few of them would render at a time, leaving the rest of the hall dark.

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Ah I'll give that a try. I do have a lot of lights in the house. I knew you could only have so many lights that cast shadows, didn't think it applied to regular lights.


Edit: Well that seems to be the case, which sucks because I have a lot of small little rooms right next to each other, gonna have to see, if I can use the lights to light multiple rooms.

Edited by ArcAngel87
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