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Graphics that wouldn't need modding?!?!


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Today if you were to place a PC heavy modded skyrim game and place it into a console, the console would laugh and be like this is wayy to powerful brah, now go play it on your Powerful Console (PC). But now with the PS4 coming out, obvisouly not soon graphics are going to be pushed past what we thought was high standards. Take the PS4 right now its about 16 times as powerful as the PS3, go here for specs http://www.gamespot.com/forums/topic/29359187/ps4-vs.-ps3-comparison


Now the Ps4 looks crazy right, now one bonus weapon that'll allow the graphics of games to be pushed is the second processor it has. If game developers were to use it to process the games files to be instantly ready then lag would be low, and it could pre process glitchs before they happen, the only thing holding the next Elder Scrolls game back nowis how hard will the game developers try to make a beautiful game. I get making skyrim with all that is it it must have been a nightmare,but to me they made a game that could have been better and it wouldn't have been that hard,

skip to 1:25 and enjoy. See they can do amazing stuff they choose to go the safer route. :(


Heres someother stuff that would be cool to see in the next game, enjoy :)










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