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Werewolf mod - The Beast Within


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lol i love this ideal wolfs r cool and in oblivion the cat ppl and M elfs where my fav cus the pionty ers and tells and stuff and i wud wether be a human wolf more the less just have dog ers and tell plus claws like in most tv show then crazy hungry werewolf with no smarts (he wud just get shot be evry 1 and some 1 bound to have silver bullets) and then just booted speed and what not then just like on full moons change in to a dog like the ones that attack you o and for vault tech story back ground testing with cross genetic DNA was done thos the supermutants so it wud be gene slicing lol p.s.iv been up for 37 hours so sorry about omega bad spelling lol
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  • 3 months later...
I hope people haven't forgotten about this idea it would be VERY VERY COOL! I was thinking about a mod like this becuase I just watched the new Underworld movie. I have some friends that really like those movies, they are good but anways I thought man it would be cool to get werewolves into fallout like they did in oblvion. I really hope someone works on this! :biggrin:
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Someone should really make this.
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We don't have to actually see the clothes shredding off (would be cool though) but those clothes should become destroyed


In fact, that is really easy. You just have to tell the game what armors are equiped via script, and then make it delete them, instead of just setting their condition to 0% (Otherwise you could repair them, which... well... Wouldn't seem like a bad idea ^^ ;)


As for the models is just a question of asking the author of this Oblivion mod (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6486) to use his werewolf model :D You have to rig it to the Fallout skeleton, as it differs from the Oblivion one. And it will probably will need to have some mesh editing I guess :/


All the rest you can make through scripting :thumbsup:

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Some suggestion from a modder:


1) To make the lycanthrope you should make a new race, a new NPC with that race and then use the command matchrace between player and the new NPC this shouldn't cause any problem and the animations won't change, and you should not even remove the armor.


2) The player shouldn't lose all items and destroy the armor, it could be quitre annoying, and the simultaneous fall of several objects (the inventory) causes a noticeable FPS loss


3) Converting from oblivion to fallout is possible, I know it has be done, but it is very boring and the body gets easily bugged, plus Fallout uses a new kind of bone called BODY PART which doesn't work with copy bone weight script in Blender, so only people with 3dmax could do it


I am still interested, but now I am working on another mod but in the future I could try to make it

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Wow. Im glad more people looked into this again I really think this would be a cool mod.
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I don't see why an Island of Dr. Moreau style scenario WOULDN'T fit. The idea works given the quirky science the Fallout universe runs on. Everything is like a horror movie or comic book from the 50's.


I should also add that with the Deathclaw Gauntlet, making the werewolf claws look convincing should be really easy.


I definitely support this request.

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