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Editing mods with Nifskope


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I fairly familiar with Nifskope, but can't figure out how to do something. I want to make a belt.nif file a little bigger, and move up on my female follower. I use a custom body mesh, and some of the existing clothing mods don't fit exactly. I can make the belt bigger or smaller (scale vertices), but not move up on the body. Here's what I do...


I open Nifskope. Load belt.nif file. Right click on the belt in the Nifskope viewing screen. Scroll down to the "scale" option. A new screen pops up. I make the changes, then click ok. When I do the same thing, except click the "edit" selection (moving the belt up in respect to the NPC), the changes don't take effect in game. The only change that shows in game is the "scale" option changes. I'm sure it's a minor thing that I'm missing, but can't figure it out.

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