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exept the part where its a mauser and Mal's is more like a western style colt .45


Umm... it is a Colt Single Action Army with junk on it.


AS for how to use them... well... a boat named Serenity that goes up and down the coast trading isn't completely out of the question. Just don't try and port it directly. That would be fail.


To build serenity just take one of the larger boats, fix up the top so it looks like its being used (Seat, a set of controls, maybe a lounge chair) then add a couple portals to a cell modeled to be the ships cabin.

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found some models for the boat:


This one looks nice, doesn't seem to have a very high polycount:



This one is apparently WIP, to detailed I guess:



This one is the overkill:



Picture: http://www.foundation3d.com/plugins/p13_do.../images/434.jpg

Download: http://www.foundation3d.com/index.php?cate...;p13_fileid=434


Perhaps one of them is willing to share/help/... ?



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No spaceships!


Importing the characters and some items with a wink and a nod is one thing. Bringing them in whole hog, ship and all, is way too much.


Short: Why?


Long: Why? Sure, spaceships don't match, but other things don't match too. So if you don't want to have a stranded spaceship leave it be.



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Short: THIS! IS! FALLOUT! *kicks drehfilter down a well*


Long: It simply doesn't fit You want to play a game with spaceships, play a game with spaceships, but its far more interesting to stick to fallout's proud tradition of gleefully ripping off pop culture for images and ideas. It not only will make it fit better, but it'll make it so more people use it. Right now you're making a firefly mod for browncoats to fwap to. Cut down the fanboy element a bit and you have something that everyone could use.

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Short: THIS! IS! FALLOUT! *kicks drehfilter down a well*


Long: It simply doesn't fit You want to play a game with spaceships, play a game with spaceships, but its far more interesting to stick to fallout's proud tradition of gleefully ripping off pop culture images and ideas. It not only will make it fit better, but it'll make it so more people use it. Right now you're making a firefly mod for browncoats to fwap to. Cut down the fanboy element a bit and you have something that everyone could use.


Does it really matter what this fellow makes/requests a mod of. If he wants to add a spaceship then wish him luck! There is no need to criticise the way he wants to mod his game, in the long and short it effects you not one iota, you dont have to download, your not making the mod, so why do you feel the need to tell this chap how he should proceed with the making of his mod? Hell, there is that scouting craft Theta so why not a crashed firefly ship? There was a crashed federation shuttle in Fallout 2, the Doctors Tardis even the crashed whale fron HGTTG, so finding the the Serenity and its crew is in the fine tradition of Fallouts little quests and random encounters. It doesnt have to be something that everyone can use, thats the joy of mods, you make something for yourself and if others enjoy it then thats a bonus, I just get the feeling that your comments are too much criticism and a bit too light on the constructive part of it.

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agreed NKWOODRUFF, im not a firefly fan. . .i could not even sit through that crappy movie with the super soldier preteen with an on-off switch . . .but if this fellow wants it in game who are you to say otherwise, Psychosama. . .the Fallout Guard Dog ?
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