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agreed NKWOODRUFF, im not a firefly fan. . .i could not even sit through that crappy movie with the super soldier preteen with an on-off switch . . .but if this fellow wants it in game who are you to say otherwise, Psychosama. . .the Fallout Guard Dog ?


Hell yeah I am. Someone's gotta be. Fallout because of the sarcastic levity innate in the universe has a large amount of give when it comes to pop culture, but someone needs to warn people when they're getting over the top. The reason I'm bitching is because this mod seems like it would be worth downloading because the space western feel of Firefly works well with the post nuclear camp of the Fallout world.




Yup, this is Fallout.

Yup, spaceships don't match.

Yup, it would be a good idea to make the ship optional.

Yup, the movie was not as good as the series.


So, this mod could take place on a "GTS firefly map".




Cool. Glad we agree. Though if they ever manage to make a decent random encounter addition to GTS, I think a extremely hard to fid "wrecked firefly" would be amusing as hell and not stick out. Just having a crashed firefly sitting in the middle of the capitol wasteland would stick out like a black guy at a Skinhead Convention.

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look, Psycko, i realize that you fanboy fallout freaks (regret not being one myself but i was only nine when the first one came out) feel overly protective of the franchise but. . .it is a mod, therefore you don't have to download it so why not just leave it be. . .



Oh, and because of the Gamebryo engine this game is more moddable than any other fallout so its only natural that folks are gonna go at it like crazy. . .kinda why i keep obsesively, pathetically keep it on a tab in my browser and obsesively, pathetically keep hitting the refresh button to see what folks think. . .

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look, Psycko, i realize that you fanboy fallout freaks (regret not being one myself but i was only nine when the first one came out) feel overly protective of the franchise but. . .it is a mod, therefore you don't have to download it so why not just leave it be. . .




Because this is generally a good idea and I want to at least try and warn the guy off from overkilling it.

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look, Psycko, i realize that you fanboy fallout freaks (regret not being one myself but i was only nine when the first one came out) feel overly protective of the franchise but. . .it is a mod, therefore you don't have to download it so why not just leave it be. . .




Because this is generally a good idea and I want to at least try and warn the guy off from overkilling it.



Overkilling it in YOUR opinion, someone else could think its the greatest thing since sliced Jesus. Hell, your entitled to your opinion but please remember that its just your opinion not the be-all and end-all with regards to the direction of any mod that may be built, we dont need a guard dog, a little constructive criticism is fine just dont take it all too far

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look, Psycko, i realize that you fanboy fallout freaks (regret not being one myself but i was only nine when the first one came out) feel overly protective of the franchise but. . .it is a mod, therefore you don't have to download it so why not just leave it be. . .

It is not a mod*, it is a suggestion** and that makes it open to personal opinions and ideas.


Besides Psycko is not saying "don't make a Firefly based mod because it doesn't suit the Fallout verse", he's saying "make it a subtle Firefly based mod that at least attempts to blend into the Fallout verse". There is a very big difference. And I agree with this opinion I'd much rather see a mod that attempts to blend in than one shoe-horned in that sticks out like a sore thumb.



* = Something that already exists and cannot be changed unless the author wants to change it.

** = An idea suggested for someone else to make, open to interpretation and expansion.

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Well excuse me Mr. Outlander, a suggestion though it may be that does not give him the right to tell the guy that his vision is stupid and can only be made good (in his opinion) by doing what he (Psycko) says is the way it should be made.

He hasn't said it's stupid, he has disagreed with someone overdoing it. Besides do you honestly think if someone decides to pick this up that they'd actually do it any other way than the way they want to do it (which could be majorly different than the OP or anyone else wants)?

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(this will be my last post in this argument. just agree to disagree) Whats wrong with going all-out with something? if someone wants to make a mod that makes them happy than noone else should care. the purpose of a video game is for entertainment. . .all im gonna say.




p.s. hows that modified wastehound mask coming. . . still waiting.

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(this will be my last post in this argument. just agree to disagree) Whats wrong with going all-out with something? if someone wants to make a mod that makes them happy than noone else should care. the purpose of a video game is for entertainment. . .all im gonna say.

There isn't anything wrong with someone going all out on their mod, but in this case the OP isn't making such a mod he's suggesting a mod idea that he'd like someone else to make, and so there is nothing wrong with people weighing in their opinions / alternate suggestions on the issue (as long as they aren't screaming that the mod in question shouldn't be made at all).


Jumping down someone's throat because they have a different idea than the OP on how they'd like to see a suggestion implemented is just as bad as screaming "it doesn't belong in Fallout 3, your mod idea is stupid, no-one make this!" imo.



p.s. hows that modified wastehound mask coming. . . still waiting.

It's incompatable with the Steath-Boy (the hair sections show up if you activate a stealth-boy) and the female variant has issues with texture leaks (small strands of texture jumping around above the mask), so it's probably not going to be released.

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