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Returning to Skyrim


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Ok so, I just came back to Skyrim after a long break and did a clean install, downloaded all 3 of the new DLC and proceeded to find some good mods to enjoy while playing through. As expected, the modding community is ever hard at work. Sadly though this is extremely leisurely for me and I don't have the 3~10+ hours I would like to spend finding all my favorite little mods. I started going through the collections on steam and liked a lot of what I saw, but much of it was the same when I left, so I figured I would ask this community their opinions of good starting mods.


So here it is, off the top of your list of things to get what are your guys' opinions about entry level mods. I'm open for suggestions on just about everything from butterfly textures to full on adult content.

These are a few of my particular interests:

1. Perk mod that doesn't break the game and still lets me have access to the entire perk tree or at least a larger portion.

2. Texture mod(s), the collections online seemed pretty good but i noticed there isn't a very good search function and none of the mods that i did find were overhauls.

3. House Mods, anything from basic empty houses to full on hacks, but preferably obtained via quest or gold.

4. I've seen a lot of lovely ladies in skyrim mods these days, but is there any full makeover mods for both females and males?



As I said a moment ago, there doesn't seem to be a good filtering or search function in Steam or the Nexus, unless I'm just not getting the hang of it yet (probably the case) or it's a part of premium nexus only. So links, precise names of authors and/or titles would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. I am running SKSE and SkyUI for sure.

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If you have both dlcs then I would recommend Skyrim Redone as with the reproccer all weapon/armor mods are now fully compatible and has several weapon/armor mods integrated now. though not updated for a couple of months texture pack combiner would be a good start, I also use the older sexy cities mods, mystical signs, glowing ore veins, climates of tamriel for weather overhaul, also you could look at summer skyrim which also has a summer take for Solstheim. Check out some of the better quest mods for houses, i.e. wyrmstooth (due to be updated to 1.7 soon) adal matar quest type mod no scripts. CBBE for all the women and fine face textures by Urshi for males, and of course Apachii skyhair for a huge variety of hair styles. Immersive armors is due to be updated soon as well. I use immersive patrols and guard patrols to add a little diversity on the roads, immersive creatures and monster mod for hundreds of new creatures, deadly dragons, interesting npcs adds well over twenty quests and over a 130 npcs most with fully voiced dialogue, a lot of it, both Cerwiden and Vilja are intensive follower mods with deep multiple questlines, multiple followers to manage my followers as it uses basic scripts, more bandit camps adds over 20 new bandit camps organised bandits in skyrim adds hundreds of unique bandits into the game with an optional bandit raids plugin, dfb random encounters adds a little diversity, hows that for starters? Lol

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Again skyrim redone as you will have to use the community uncapper as some perks require skills over 100 but as examples with smithing when you learn certain arts you get bonuses when wearing certain types of armor i.e. While

wearing at least four pieces of dwarven armor, dwemer machines and Falmer deal 15% less damage to you. Alchemy example Unlocks a new recipe at the cooking pot: Adhesive Explosives. These
act like poisons on your weapon that
cause a detonation after a few seconds
with area-of-effect damage. If reverse
pickpocketed into an inventory, and
if the target didn’t notice you, the explosion will instantly kill it
There is a whole new perk tree wayfarer which also works well with survivalism mod frostfall, pickpocket and lockpicking skill trees now became fingersmithing
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Cloaks of skyrim and winter is coming cloak mods work well together as winter is coming has a patch for cloaks of skyrim. Armonizer a great collection of some of the best armors on the nexus, guards armor replacement gives each holds guards a unique look imperial legion reborn just gives imperials a slight overhaul with a few tweaks immersive weapons (adds over 200 new weapons) and immersive armor improved stormcloak and imperial armors (when installed in data folder there is an optional folder with a vanilla esp which I add to the other esps and remove the one not with the vanilla fix) improved npc clothing insanitys shields MECR's shields remodelled armor for CBBE (constantly updated both as replacer and standalone with options for dawnguard and dragonborn armors as well) tehxens chainmail hauberks hows that lol

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There is a bit of a learning curve with SkyRe but there are plenty of really helpful people on the forums there if you get stuck, og dont forget the unofficial skyrim/dawnguard/dragonborn patches which effectively fix a load of stuff bethesda couldnt be bothered with

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