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Can someone please help skryim issues!


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If anybody could please help it would be greatly appericated. First and foremost I'm playing on a laptop and my specs are

Intel® Core i7-2670QM CPU @ 2.20GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.2GHz

Memory: 8192MB RAM NVIDIA Geforce GTX 560m

When I first got skyrim the settings detected that I can play on ultra high and this is with mods. Then all of a sudden it would start minimizing to desktop. However if I hit alt tab it would let me continue to play. (all in this time I started to notice my fans picking up speed getting louder when I would continue to play.) Then evutually I got the blue screen of death from playing after awhile still on ultra high. So at this point I decided to put down my skyrim settings to medium and with doing that I can play awhile however it still minimizes to desktop after about and halfhour gamely where which I have to hit alt tab again to play. I haven't got blue screen of dealth on medium settings yet. It seems my fans get louder as I play then all of a sudden minimizes to desktop. Checked my core temps and it doesn't get above 70 degrees. So I have no clue why its doing this. I also tried lowering certain things like shadow textures and grass detail. But it still seems to minimize to desktop after playing for a little bit. If anybody has any ideas to what is going on again it would be greatly appreciated if someone could give some insight to what could be going wrong. Thank you so much...
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Almost sounds like your video card is not kicking in and it's resorting back to the integrated graphics which can't handle Skyrim. It's a known issue with GTX 560m cards on certain laptops. Is it an HP by any chance?


Otherwise if your card is actually running, it's most likely over-heating for some reason. You said you checked your core temps, but what's the temp of your GPU when it kicks you to the desktop, or when you get the BSOD?

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Okay thank you for responding. I'm pretty new to all this. So I just got the program cpuid hw monitor but i don't think it detects gpu temp i think it just checks the cpu. What do you recommend for checking the temp of gpu?


Cpuid does check the GPU temp.

That's probably one of the better programs around. It'll check the CPU, GPU, Chipset, HDD temp and voltages.

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