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michael301986 - BANNED

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michael301986 banned.


Abuse of another site member.


michael301986, on 25 Feb 2021 - 10:24 PM, said:

Lets be honest here, you are in no way sorry for "being that guy". Ya know "that guy" the c*** who pretends that they are not s***ing on someone but actually are. So let you and I talk man to man for a very small moment here.

You are not being constructive, you are being a karen. Sorry I meant c***. c***s like you pretend that the commentary they provide to mod authors means something. You pretend like your opinion matters. Karen/c*** you f***ing opinion never mattered.?

So Karen/ c*** if you don't appreciate the concept so much why don't you follow my patented 3 step process to success. Ready kiddo? Are you f***ing ready or are you just that slow?

1. Firmly grasp that empty god damn skull of yours (space the final frontier right between your f***ing head)
2. Pull that empty waste of space (the thing that was supposed to have a brain in it but was left behind)
3. Pull harder until that head wiggles its way out of your ass then take a month and learn something about modding.

Go do it yourself you stupid f***ing Karen f@&#!t c***. And yes I would whole heartedly tell you every single god damn word to that s*** you call a face and I will f***ing spit on you after I beat you down to the sniveling little s*** you actually are.

Now take you high and mighty opinion and go repeatedly f*** yourself with it, do everyone a favor you stupid f***ing Karen.

Oh and since your still reading you *censored*, go make your own mod.

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